I know he sat out a couple of times (though admittedly, not for long) taking a breather, and I could have sworn the injury occurred with roughly 6 minutes remaining in the game......if so, how in the hell did he play 36 minutes ??
BTW, I'm really sorry the kid got hurt; the Nathan pick aside (which I think was terribly overblown), it was an awful way for them to lose easily their best player. But why is it that something similar happening to a WVU player......like Staten or Williams......probably wouldn't be reported this morning with quite the same zeal by the national media ??
Oh, and something also tells me that Maryland fans wouldn't give up the W either under such circumstances, either. Game's over, we win (and they lose).
BTW, I'm really sorry the kid got hurt; the Nathan pick aside (which I think was terribly overblown), it was an awful way for them to lose easily their best player. But why is it that something similar happening to a WVU player......like Staten or Williams......probably wouldn't be reported this morning with quite the same zeal by the national media ??
Oh, and something also tells me that Maryland fans wouldn't give up the W either under such circumstances, either. Game's over, we win (and they lose).