Enough is enough....

EERs 3:16

Heisman Winner
Oct 17, 2001
Any federal dollars that are given to California, need to some with some strings attached..... Ca., needs to develop a fire management/reduction plan, those responsible for poor decision making need to be held criminally accountable for their actions --or lack therein of--, and some serious infrastructure upgrades needs to be forced on the residences --underground utility lines, reservoirs, and improved building codes--.
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Any federal dollars that are given to California, need to some with some strings attached..... Ca., needs to develop a fire management/reduction plan, those responsible for poor decision making need to be held criminally accountable for their actions --or lack therein of--, and some serious infrastructure upgrades needs to be forced on the residences --underground utility lines, reservoirs, and improved building codes--.
Put power lines underground is an easy one. Clear the brush, screw any endangered species .
Put power lines underground is an easy one. Clear the brush, screw any endangered species .
Would think putting power lines underground would be easy but it's not . 200 years of utilities being buried and then abandoned is a huge problem. Now you have to think about all the EPA and hazmat problems with removing them . Then the land reclamation that will happen. Run into this all the time putting pipelines in . Last time we moved a station in Newark the ground kept burning as I was welding.
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Would think putting power lines underground would be easy but it's not . 200 years of utilities being buried and then abandoned is a huge problem. Now you have to think about all the EPA and hazmat problems with removing them . Then the land reclamation that will happen. Run into this all the time putting pipelines in . Last time we moved a station in Newark the ground kept burning as I was welding.
Need to get them somewhere so that the winds don't cause sparks
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People take precedence
We can do both . No reason that other states manage to keep forest fires down and maintain wildlife. California is one of the richest in the country but instead of spending tax money on needs they spend it on social issues that's not part of our government mandate.
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Any federal dollars that are given to California, need to some with some strings attached..... Ca., needs to develop a fire management/reduction plan, those responsible for poor decision making need to be held criminally accountable for their actions --or lack therein of--, and some serious infrastructure upgrades needs to be forced on the residences --underground utility lines, reservoirs, and improved building codes--.
Do you feel this way about Western NC? Or Florida during Hurricanes?
They do. And I don't disagree. But sometimes if you screw with the ecosystem, it could end up screwing humans in the end. Just saying.
Yeah, like trying to turn off the sun to stop climate change. Jeez, humans are the stupidest people sometimes.
So, you disagree?
Th ecosystem adapts. Oil spill in the Gulf, the ocean cleans it up. It does takes time. A whole iceberg breaks off, an entire different ecosystem sets up under the iceberg, The north pole shrinks, the south pole puts down more ice. Like it is now. Nagasaki and Hiroshima recovered and they had the worst environmental catastrophe ever.
Maybe California should purchase several of these instead of wasting money on other crap. Having to depend on Canada is embarrassing.

Th ecosystem adapts. Oil spill in the Gulf, the ocean cleans it up. It does takes time. A whole iceberg breaks off, an entire different ecosystem sets up under the iceberg, The north pole shrinks, the south pole puts down more ice. Like it is now. Nagasaki and Hiroshima recovered and they had the worst environmental catastrophe ever.
cool story
Trump will be stopping that $$$$$$$$$$$$ flow to California...

He'll be putting conditions ON EVERY DIME of TAX PAYER MONEY

after he helps Ohio, Maui and NC/Tenn/VA first...
Th ecosystem adapts. Oil spill in the Gulf, the ocean cleans it up. It does takes time. A whole iceberg breaks off, an entire different ecosystem sets up under the iceberg, The north pole shrinks, the south pole puts down more ice. Like it is now. Nagasaki and Hiroshima recovered and they had the worst environmental catastrophe ever.
And just like the Dinosaurs, when it’s our time it’s our time. Eventually the earth will recycle everything and a new dominant species will emerge.
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Just stay out of the way as the global effort goes on.

California Democrat and Commie leadership can't take care of California. Now you are talking about them leading a Global Effort. That's nonsense. Their efforts have contributed to what's happening.
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NEW: Per ICE sources, the man seen in a viral video being subdued by residents & arrested by police w/ a blowtorch near the #KennethFire in West Hills is an illegal alien from Mexico named Juan Manuel Sierra-Leyva. He is in custody on a probation violation & has NOT been charged w/ arson. I'm told ICE will place a detainer request on him with the L.A. County Sheriff's Department, but they do not expect it to be honored due to California's Sanctuary State law. I'm told Sierra-Leyva will have a court appearance tomorrow. Again - he has not been charged w/ arson and is in custody only on a probation violation at the moment, as multiple agencies have been interviewing him.
Idiots sucking off other idiots.
President Gaybo
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Now you know why they wanted to defund the Police too.

NEW: Santa Monica PD tells me they've arrested 10 burglary suspects in #PalisadesFire evacuation zones since the fire began, none of whom live in Santa Monica. Six had burglary tools with them, one pair had the Watch Duty app open on their phone to track evac zones. SMPD says they were able to stop these attempted burglaries before they were carried out. Details & booking photos for four suspects below, per
.I'm told 29-year-old JOSHUA KALIEL LOVE (grey shirt), was spotted in a Santa Monica apartment breezeway, and ran. After a brief foot chase, SMPD says he was caught and found to be in possession of a dagger, a window breaking tool, a mask, gloves, and narcotics. He was on probation, and has been charged w/ attempted burglary.I'm told 22-year-old MIGUEL ANGEL DORANTES and 18-year-old DOMINIC PACHECOMANGA (black & white shirts) were in a van together, and were pulled over by SMPD after they ran a stop sign. SMPD says they were unable to provide ID, and had the Watch Duty app opened on their phone, which they claimed they were using to track fire acreage. After a search of the van. SMPD found burglary tools, ski masks, gloves and bags. Both arrested for attempted burglary.I'm told 27-year-old GABRIEL ISAIH STOKES (navy hoodie) was pulled over by SMPD after an auto plate reader got a hit on the car he was driving as stolen out of Hawthorne, CA. SMPD says he had a stolen California ID, as well as other fraudulent IDs, burglary tools, a ski mask and black beanie, and large bags. He had priors for burglary, robbery, and grand theft. Charged in this incident with grand theft & false impersonation.Overall, SMPD says they've arrested 39 people in evacuation zones since the start of the fire, none of whom live in Santa Monica. Those not charged w/ attempted burglary were picked up for curfew violations, drug possession, warrants, probation violations, etc. Most of the attempted burglary charges were via PC 459.SMPD says there were two successful burglaries where suspects got away, and those cases are under active investigation.
I'm sure a few fish got caught by the aircraft dropping water but don't tell the Governor. He might shut them down.
There’s a rumor going around that Oregon sent 60 fire trucks but had to go to Sacramento to have their emissions checked and approved. I would hope there’s no truth to that
There’s a rumor going around that Oregon sent 60 fire trucks but had to go to Sacramento to have their emissions checked and approved. I would hope there’s no truth to that

I think they just stopped to rest and check their gear.
Concrete doesn't burn, it's ecofriendly, and we have the ability to 3=D print concrete's time Ca adjusts it's building code and demand that all new single-family houses, be built from concrete.
Do you feel this way about Western NC? Or Florida during Hurricanes?
If NC or Florida cut disaster management funding and re-allocated it to stupid social policies like healthcare for illegals, then yes, there should be strings attached to any federal money given.

Personally, I wouldn't give a federal penny to California.