ECU powerhouse comes into Joan and walks out with a win.

I find it hard to pick on the Herd today since we came very close to letting nearly the same thing to happen to us yesterday.
I was somewhat watching the Herd game on my phone during the 2nd half out on the porch Saturday, but the Facebook ads and wanting me to send them a single buck made it unwatchable. Went up like 38-21, and last I knew were driving for another score, and I turned it off, only to see the final score on the ticker during the Penn State - Auburn game close to 11 o'clock or so. Not sure what transpired, other than maybe they did the same thing WVU did, and attempted to sit on the lead. May have been turnovers, but really have no idea. A loss like that will definitely linger into Thursday night's game, where they were likely looking at a loss regardless of Saturday's outcome. Appy will probably beat them by three scores.
QB from Marshall (Wells) just isn’t that good. Seems like he regressed during the season last year and has continued to be a dump this year.

One thing that Pruitt was always able to do was recruit a QB.
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