Dr. Navarro: “Before Our Eyes, Our Entire Economy And Financial System Is Disintegrating”

EXC: Natalie Winters Reveals How US Taxpayers Are Funding Democrat Ukraine Lobbyists.​


Steve Bannon: This Fight Is About “Defunding The Beast”​


Davis: “The Federal Government As A Whole Has Assumed Powers We Did Not Lend It”​


I have the explanation for Steve Bannon and mostly so his daughter knows.

I've told my followers this before but if you haven't heard it, this is what caused the bad blood between the House and Navarro and what you need to understand that most of these elected Yahoo's who claim they're for Trump hate Trump and are only supporting him to get reelected and to avoid his wrath which would mean their election loss and they know it.

Back when Trump was President, there was a push to stop CCP Chinese related companies from being eligible for government contracts. Peter Navarro was a huge part of the Bill that went before congress that would have made Chinese companies doing business in America ineligible for government contracts and Kevin McCarthy blocked that bill. Now, McCarthy's Chinese sugar daddy BYD is getting rich off of government contracts AKA taxpayer dollars and Republicans have their own Chinese money laundering problem.

Navarro was pissed and called McCarthy every name in the book for his betrayal to Americans by allowing government funding to Chinese Companies.

BYD, in case you're unfamiliar with them, is a Chinese electric bus company located in McCarthy's District who also happens to be China's largest automotive company in China.

BYD has 3 known CCP members on their board. House members sat in silence during this feud and let Peter Navarro be sent to Prison in Florida for a Contempt of Congress conviction that they could have intervened in and stopped.

Bannon loves Trump and the House members hate him, including Massie, so I don't see any help coming from them for Bannon anytime soon.