Does Joe Biden need a miracle or just a bit of good luck?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009

Upcoming debate, economy and independents are wild cards

With public opinion polls of the 2024 presidential contest ranging somewhere between unreliable and delusional, it’s difficult to know exactly where the contest now stands. President Joe Biden’s job approval numbers remain terrible. His approval has recently ranged from abysmal to horrid, not exactly where an incumbent president would want to be.

Biden and his opponent, Donald Trump, have both served as president and have total name identification. Neither one is very popular, so the question is which man can appeal to the relatively small pool of undecided voters and who can turn out supporters in November.

Biden continues to have problems locking down Black men and younger voters, while Trump is still having problems with a chunk of well-educated, suburban Republicans.

Is Biden losing more voters who went Democratic in 2020, or is Trump losing more voters who supported him four years ago?

The upcoming debate on June 27 gives Biden an opportunity to make the election about Trump, but it also carries risk.

Biden looks more frail, and if he stumbles answering questions, his message about Trump and democracy will be obliterated by weeks of media chatter about Biden’s age and ability to do the job. But Trump is also taking a risk, particularly given the ground rules of the debate.

Trumps biggest problem - He doesn't know when to shut up.

Biden's far to many to list...but here's a few
Feeble mind
No balance control
History of getting away with racist remarks
Is a puppet of ultra left
Is a Marxist–Leninists and a Trotskyists
100's more of these as Biden is out of touch with the American people and his own mind of course.
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