Doc, does this news finally get the "monkey" off our backs...

Scientists are still reeling from their admission that the Big Bang .......

............ is the Big Hoax ............ and that is from the people that brought you that theory for decades on end.

Imagine the equivalent of the Coliseum saying that "Jerry West sucked" and that is the hilarious equivalent of scientists now saying their Big Bang is a bust.

Cut the scientists some slack and give them time to mourn ......... and this is coming from somebody like myself with two medical degrees and exposed to the field of science my whole life thanks to my parents in the employ of the V.A and Respiratory Therapy consortium.
It was just a theory

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
............ is the Big Hoax ............ and that is from the people that brought you that theory for decades on end.

I know there were some that proclaimed it as fact, but it was always just a theory.

I do believe in science, obviously, but I also know the difference between theory and fact. And for everything that we think we know, I still believe that our current understanding is probably still extremely primitive.
I'll be damned. I was in a coma the last couple of years I suppose. I never realized a bunch of scientists "admitted" the Big Bang theory was a "hoax".

I could have swore I watched the series Cosmos, prepared by some of the greatest scientific minds in the world, within the last year that still held to the belief of the Big Bang theory.
The problem with about how things happened in the past is it's not science

None of it is proven using scientific method. They never observed it, nor can they recreate it.
"Within the last year."

Maybe the problem you are experiencing centers around the fact the scientific community just exposed their faux pas within the last 3 WEEKS.

Maybe that's it.

Now back to your regular programming.
Re: The problem with about how things happened in the past is it's not science


Archaeology, or archeology,Europe, it is viewed as a separate discipline.

Have you ever heard of Carbon 14 dating?
Maybe that's why the quest for the genuine "God Particle" is so perfervid.

Call it a hunch but they will find the Arc of the Covenant before they find the "God Particle".

Let's just call it a hunch. LOL!!

This post was edited on 3/5 11:21 AM by Wolf J. Flywheel
It's strange to me that you apply such incredulity ..........

......... to people who place their faith in the Creator while investing so much "faith" in men in white lab coats, most of which will admit defeat and cry "Uncle" countess time over, most never tasting a single true success, all while amending data and theory up until their earthly lives end.

It's certainly not hard to see that you actually have a God in your life as well.

Well, one side was destined to be wrong, one right, and both sides strain in faith.

In other words, you are absolutely no different then the ones you needle.
Carbon dating is a great example

Have you?

How is it performed? How is it measured? How accurate are the tests? Oh, by the way, even the scientific community says carbon dating should only be used to date objects less than 50,000 years old.

If it is so objective and accurate of a method, why on earth does every submission form request that you tell them what age you think it is and why?


That's one example. I once looked up the top 10 labs, they all ask in some fashion.
This discussion is going off subject... it was about "monkey" vs. Human***

Great job they did with the Shroud of Turin, heh?

Yeah, let's date the shroud after it was in a fire in 1532 with nuns sewing it back to health with material that was gonna be just a smidge different than the contents from 1,500 years earlier. Brilliance. Oh yeah, let's just happen to test the corner of the shroud that was the portion that was post-repair. Brilliance x 2.

They really cranked that one over the 405 ft. sign in deep center.

Then people can always step up and say the results were bogus, no they were legit, with each "side" leaning light a plant towards sunlight ........... each gravitating to the verdict they find most palatable.

Once again, ALL human beings are controlled by faith.

Exactly why I teach worldviews to my youth before we even start on apologetics.
No, it's completely ON topic.

That topic being how your example is one of countless amendments and failures of the scientific community until the world does end ........ likely with your throat and scientists throats pressed against a dogmatic blade.

Science continues to fail (and always will) and religion continues to fail (and always will).

Luckily, there's not a single parallel between Jesus and religion. One of those cannot fail.

I'm sorry you cannot recognize threads that actually do stay on topic.
Not all

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
Once again, ALL human beings are controlled by faith.
Some are controlled by the rectal probe inserted by the aliens that abducted them.
LOL!! I actually like watching Ancient Aliens ........ Entertaining.

And yes, that is yet another example of a sect that is controlled by faith.

Atheism is an ideology (sorry, Evangelicals .... it's not a religion) that incorporates every bit as much faith into their tenets .......... we know religions do ........ and those piquant individuals on Ancient Aliens seem to meld a little of both science and mysticism into their beliefs.

What a wild world ..... and yes, Moe and his "Doomed" must come to terms that it will end and even his heroes like Hawking are saying it's coming sooner than our species wants.
I try so hard to make fun of the show...but I end up watching it again

it's always entertaining.
Re: LOL!! I actually like watching Ancient Aliens ........ Entertaining.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
And yes, that is yet another example of a sect that is controlled by faith.

Atheism is an ideology (sorry, Evangelicals .... it's not a religion) that incorporates every bit as much faith into their tenets .......... we know religions do ........ and those piquant individuals on Ancient Aliens seem to meld a little of both science and mysticism into their beliefs.

What a wild world ..... and yes, Moe and his "Doomed" must come to terms that it will end and even his heroes like Hawking are saying it's coming sooner than our species wants.
Actually, Ancient Aliens didn't even enter my mind when I wrote that, just the people that claim to have been abducted by aliens. I did watch that whole series though. Entertaining at least, I guess.

Did I read right that you think people mistakenly equate Jesus and religion? I have no interest or intention in ridiculing your stance, I just found that statement particularly interesting. Maybe I read over it too quickly and misinterpreted. I'm not asking so that I can turn around and attack your statement, it's a viewpoint that I don't think I've heard.
Re: So Jesus came to bring religion to the world?

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
You honestly believe that?
No, of course not. I just didn't understand what you meant by the comment.

I wasn't attacking your statement, just asking for clarification.
Their most compelling arguments?

That would be hieroglyphics that actually do like like Grays and spaceships.

Some of them actually do.

Still, those guys are really out there and and as crazy as we Jesus freaks are.
Weeellll .......

You're being a tad disingenuous that scientists are reeling over a big hoax.

"Now, three scientists have come up with an alternative theory. In their theory, the universe may have existed all along, perhaps with no "beginning" as dramatic as a Big Bang.

Saurya Das, professor of physics at University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, was fascinated by the Raychaudhuri equation (RE), which is an important step in deriving the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems. The equation is attributed to Amal K Raychaudhuri who used to teach at Presidency College, Kolkata. When it is treated in a classical formalism, the equation leads to the singularity. But the singularity vanishes when the particles are treated as quantum particles and the fields are treated as classical. This leads to a solution which is the everlasting universe which was not born in a Big Bang. This was work published by Dr. Das in Physical Review D."

Both are theories. Which is correct? No idea