Did lil detroit and tatoo u boy have a mutual suicide pact?

Most likely that the people he was siphoning his internet service from found out about it and secured the router. Either that or he's dog knotted with one of those green eyed men he's so fascinated with.
Why would an alumnus and fan of the No. 2 team in the Nation want to commit suicide? Delusional WVU homer fans hard at work this morning, I see.
Why would an alumnus and fan of the No. 2 team in the Nation want to commit suicide? Delusional WVU homer fans hard at work this morning, I see.

A better question would be why would an alumnus and fan of the No. 2 team in the nation live his life on the WVU smack board.
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Listen you old p.o.s.: Not one time have I pretended to be anything, but who I am. It's not my fault that you're a delusional old fool who desperately needs to believe that nobody but a Marshall fan would root against WVU.
Listen you old p.o.s.: Not one time have I pretended to be anything, but who I am. It's not my fault that you're a delusional old fool who desperately needs to believe that nobody but a Marshall fan would root against WVU.

OOOOPS.........I did it under your skin like I have done so many times before. You really aren't cut out for trading smack. Shouldn't you be busy doing what "lawyers" do instead of spending every waking hour on a smack board?
Those of us whom are self-employed do what we want, when we want, you old P.O.S. You're stuck in Gilmer County, and spending a lot more time on this message board than I am. The worst thing that ever happened was that country bumpkins like you finally received internet access.
I do at home, too, Gomer from Gilbert. Like most people who live in "nowheresville," you don't have a job, so your argument is moot.
Those of us whom are self-employed do what we want, when we want, you old P.O.S. You're stuck in Gilmer County, and spending a lot more time on this message board than I am. The worst thing that ever happened was that country bumpkins like you finally received internet access.

Not that you would understand or appreciate it, but I'm living quite comfortably after earning my pension and having paid into a 401-k for 40 years. I have the freedom and the finances to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and I'm not old enough to collect Social Security. I don't have to pretend to be anything I'm not (unlike you). As for Gilmer County, I grew up there but haven't lived there for decades but if the right property opportunity pops up I may move back. It's a wonderful place to live. And I will be able to pay for my own ISP if and when I move back there.
It happens. It's called "elderly abuse"'s actually what marshal players say to WVU players every time they see them....."you beat me".........of course they have to say it quickly as our players run past them to score touchdowns or baskets.....and now even that is gone because of your pathetic administration
Those of us whom are self-employed do what we want, when we want, you old P.O.S. You're stuck in Gilmer County, and spending a lot more time on this message board than I am. The worst thing that ever happened was that country bumpkins like you finally received internet access.
"self employed"....the code word for selling meth and drawing welfare
"self employed"....the code word for selling meth and drawing welfare

I like the way one of my facebook friends describes his career - " sometimes self employed, sometimes self unemployed. " I think Mr. Matlock fits the latter.
Not that you would understand or appreciate it, but I'm living quite comfortably after earning my pension and having paid into a 401-k for 40 years. I have the freedom and the finances to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and I'm not old enough to collect Social Security. I don't have to pretend to be anything I'm not (unlike you). As for Gilmer County, I grew up there but haven't lived there for decades but if the right property opportunity pops up I may move back. It's a wonderful place to live. And I will be able to pay for my own ISP if and when I move back there.[/Q
Not that you would understand or appreciate it, but I'm living quite comfortably after earning my pension and having paid into a 401-k for 40 years. I have the freedom and the finances to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and I'm not old enough to collect Social Security. I don't have to pretend to be anything I'm not (unlike you). As for Gilmer County, I grew up there but haven't lived there for decades but if the right property opportunity pops up I may move back. It's a wonderful place to live. And I will be able to pay for my own ISP if and when I move back there.
this idiot doesn't understand that when you have a REAL job making good money and you invest wisely that you can afford to retire and do what you want to.........which includes making fools out of wannabes like tatto u boy..........we're on here because we can do what ever the hell we's on here taking food out it's family's mouth instead of earning an honest living
Not that you would understand or appreciate it, but I'm living quite comfortably after earning my pension and having paid into a 401-k for 40 years. I have the freedom and the finances to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and I'm not old enough to collect Social Security. I don't have to pretend to be anything I'm not (unlike you). As for Gilmer County, I grew up there but haven't lived there for decades but if the right property opportunity pops up I may move back. It's a wonderful place to live. And I will be able to pay for my own ISP if and when I move back there.
You aspire to live in Gilmer County, Gomer? You've really set the bar high!
I think it would be helpful if he would first go visit Columbus and see what they have to offer.

Good point. I used to have to work in Columbus a couple of weeks every year. Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. I would prefer Gilmer County myself
Yeah, Gilmer County would be a better place to live than Columbus. Whatever you say, Gomer!

Gilmer County awaits you, Gomer. You will add to the 10.1% unemployment rate in that sh!thole!

Gilmer County awaits you, Gomer. You will add to the 10.1% unemployment rate in that sh!thole!


I wouldn't factor into the unemployment rate at all being as I'm living a comfortable retirement. You'd be better advised to get back to work at the "law firm" you claim you own instead of fact checking Gilmer County and posting on a sports board all day long every day.
Gilmer County awaits you, Gomer. You will add to the 10.1% unemployment rate in that sh!thole!

I would rather live in the worst part of Gilmer County than the best part of columbus....ditto for putnam county....if you like ahia so much move back there...but give your meth customers enough notice to arrange for another sure have anger issues....your daddy slap you around when you were little?......if not he should have
Who cares where you want to live, Slow Sled? Assisted living facilities exist just about everywhere, but probably not in Gilmer County where nobody has a job, and its residents have absolutely nothing to do. Enjoy your miserable life, what little is left of it.
I would rather live in the worst part of Gilmer County than the best part of columbus....ditto for putnam county....if you like ahia so much move back there...but give your meth customers enough notice to arrange for another sure have anger issues....your daddy slap you around when you were little?......if not he should have

Moving to Columbus would be a problem for tOSU and his sock puppets..........he probably couldn't find anyone there willing to let him siphon his internet service from and he obviously does not spend enough time on the job at his make believe "law firm" to be able to pay for his own ISP.
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You're an obsessed old turd, aren't you, Gilbert Gomer? It doesn't matter how many posts that you make about my occupation, you'll still be an unemployed, delusional WVU homer fan whose only aspiration is to return to nowheresville, West Virginia to live out his golden years. Nothing shouts, "loser" louder than that. It sucks to be you, old turd!
You're an obsessed old turd, aren't you, Gilbert Gomer? It doesn't matter how many posts that you make about my occupation, you'll still be an unemployed, delusional WVU homer fan whose only aspiration is to return to nowheresville, West Virginia to live out his golden years. Nothing shouts, "loser" louder than that. It sucks to be you, old turd!

Quite the contrary Mr. Matlock. I'm living on a well earned pension, sitting on a healthy 401-k, and SS is still a while away. As for going to nowheresville, how's if feel going home to Putnam County every day ? What shouts loser is someone claiming to be a grad of OSU, living on a WVU smack board, who pretends to be a "lawyer" that owns his own "law firm" and siphons his internet service from a place up the street as you claimed a couple of weeks ago but still has time to spend all day every day here. I'm living the dream, you're living in fantasy land.
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You're living "the dream" on your old fat a$$ in rural West Virginia, pining for the good old days when you watched grass grow in Gilmer County? You're a compulsive liar, and a very bad one, geezer.
Quite the contrary Mr. Matlock. I'm living on a well earned pension, sitting on a healthy 401-k, and SS is still a while away. As for going to nowheresville, how's if feel going home to Putnam County every day ? What shouts loser is someone claiming to be a grad of OSU, living on a WVU smack board, who pretends to be a "lawyer" that owns his own "law firm" and siphons his internet service from a place up the street as you claimed a couple of weeks ago but still has time to spend all day every day here. I'm living the dream, you're living in fantasy land.
Damn old man will you ease up on the punk......being hit with that many truths in one post just might drive the boy to do something he shouldn't.......oh hell.....:boxing: go ahead:boom:
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Quite the contrary Mr. Matlock. I'm living on a well earned pension, sitting on a healthy 401-k, and SS is still a while away. As for going to nowheresville, how's if feel going home to Putnam County every day ? What shouts loser is someone claiming to be a grad of OSU, living on a WVU smack board, who pretends to be a "lawyer" that owns his own "law firm" and siphons his internet service from a place up the street as you claimed a couple of weeks ago but still has time to spend all day every day here. I'm living the dream, you're living in fantasy land.
That should be illegal. Personal foul Targetting with a suspension for hits to the head.
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You're living "the dream" on your old fat a$$ in rural West Virginia, pining for the good old days when you watched grass grow in Gilmer County? You're a compulsive liar, and a very bad one, geezer.
as usual...internet tough guy calling people the shelter of his mama's basement...drinking cocoa with petite marshmallows and pleasuring himself while he dreams of really doing something about it....dream away boy, dream away
You're living "the dream" on your old fat a$$ in rural West Virginia, pining for the good old days when you watched grass grow in Gilmer County? You're a compulsive liar, and a very bad one, geezer.

If I were a compulsive liar I'd claim that I was a "lawyer" and owned my own "law firm" and the law office up the street was gracious enough to let me siphon my internet service from them, or that I lived on a beach with top fashion models waiting outside my door to have their picture taken with me, that I was "banging" the latest Disney teen star, or some of the other BS claims I've read on this board........I've got no reason to lie about who I am, can you say the same Mr. Matlock?
You lie about me on here every day, but I get it: You're an inbred old unemployed codger who is so incredibly jealous of me that it has compelled you to post the same lies on here about me hour after hour, day after day. Your tears of envy are delicious, you frail old f**k!

:cry: = you
[roll] = me