Details in Michael Sussmann’s Indictment Reveal Conspiracy Against Trump and that it lasted the entire term of Trump’s presidency.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
We Didn't Know Until 2 Days Ago that Hilliary Clinton Funded the Alfa Bank Mainstream Media Scam

Clinton Likely Worked With Top Google Exec To Fabricate Russia Hoax, Says Google Whistleblower

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Dig into Sussmann by @chillum

"The judge on Sussmann’s case was a parter at Covington & Burling LLP and served on the Obama/Biden transition team as an advisor on Justice Department issues. Seems totally fair."

"Everything you need to know about Covington. Everything."

"MORE: The judge in Sussmann’s case is married to Amy Jeffress, a former Justice Department official and national security counselor to former United States Attorney General Eric Holder."

"So, Judge Merrick Garland officiated Dorothy Ames Jeffress and Christopher Reid Cooper’s marriage."

Durham's indictment of Sussman is littered with references to information that could have only come from privileged attorney-client communications between Perkins Coie and the Clinton Campaign, Perkins Coie and Eric Schmidt (Tech Executive-1) and Perkins Coie and an alphabet, probably the CIA(!).

So some titanic struggle between Durham, Perkins Coie, the DNC, the Clinton Campaign, the CIA and Eric Schmidt has been going on in complete secrecy - and the result is Durham has the privileged communications relevant to his investigations in his possession. Muhahahaha.

"In no universe I can imagine would the DNC, Clinton Campaign, and/or Tech Executive-1 have waived Attorney-Client privilege and allowed Perkins Coie to turn over privileged documents and communications."

Michael Sussmann, the Clinton campaign lawyer who has now been indicted by special counsel John Durham for lying to the FBI, planted manufactured evidence with the FBI in an ultimately successful attempt to get the FBI to investigate Donald Trump.

Durham’s indictment goes far beyond the indictment of a single, albeit powerful, Democratic National Committee lawyer.

It provides us with detailed insight into how the Trump–Russia collusion conspiracy was manufactured by the Clinton campaign and foisted upon an unsuspecting nation.

Durham carefully lays out how the Clinton campaign used manufactured charges of Russian collusion against the presidential candidate of an opposing political party in a well-designed conspiracy that influenced not only the 2016 election, but the entire term of Trump’s presidency.