Democrats Want To Probe Trump Ties To Deutsche Bank. GOP Says, No Thanks


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fayetteville, WV
I have no problem with the majority of this, no sense in duplicating efforts but how do you forget (continue to purposely omit?) about a $285M loan? Everyone in the Trump gang is so transparent [eyeroll]. Getting info from them on these matters is like pulling teeth.

Do other Trump family members owe money to Deutsche Bank?

Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law, secured and personally guaranteed a $285 million loan from Deutsche Bank in October 2016, as the
The Washington Post first reported in June.

The loan came right before the election and just as Deutsche bank was settling the Russian money-laundering case with the New York regulators. Kushner did not include the loan on his
financial disclosure form filed with the Office of Government Ethics in March nor was it listed on his updated form released last week.

The financial disclosure also shows Kushner has a $5 million to $25 million open line of credit from Deutsche Bank, which he shares with his mother.
If it's the same thing I read about previously, it was a refi. I could forget a refi, not sure I could forget about a $285 mil refi. But that's me, not Kushner.

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