DEI initiatives destroy justice. In fact, it isn't a stretch to say that the entire DEI industry disrupts every aim of the U.S. Constitution.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

DEI initiatives destroy justice. In fact, it isn't a stretch to say that the entire DEI industry disrupts every aim of the U.S. Constitution.

According to the Preamble, the purposes for which the U.S. Constitution was ordained were to:
-form a more perfect Union
-establish Justice
-ensure domestic tranquility
-provide for the common defense
-promote the general welfare

DEI is divisive, does not treat citizens equally or fairly under the law, leads to animosity and conflict, and demoralizes our troops.

DEI is at odds with all of these aims laid out in the Preamble and destroys any hope a nation has of securing the blessings of liberty.

Those who genuinely believe DEI is helpful are themselves victims of bad ideas. Those who understand its corrosive impacts and who perpetuate it anyway are domestic enemies.
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But it pays well . In my 30 years in the trades I've noticed a sharp decline in planning, engineering and leadership in general, but since this dei crap has become famous leadership has went down to zero.

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