

Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fayetteville, WV
Assuming that Homeland Security does serve a valuable purpose, I can't believe that congressional Republicans are willing to put the safety of Americans at risk by playing chicken with DHS funding. It doesn't seem very patriotic to me, actually I don't think that they love America.
thank you president Bush!

besides, what was the documented national security plan for america, even decades ago, prior to the advent of DHS?

is there even evidence they "protect the homeland"? Pass the bill and move on.
If the republicans are that stupid then let them go ahead

and do it. ...which will essentially guarantee another democrat in the White House in 2016......they had better figure out how to properly use their majority or nothing will get done
I thought it was amusing when I saw a GOP Congressman say

a couple days ago that it is apparent that Harry Reid is still running the Senate. I thought since the GOP won both houses, they were going to get some things done. Apparently the GOP forgot about the Tea Party.
4/5 of DHS is considered essential personnel

We could not fund them for a year and they could still provide the job they're supposed to do.
Most politicians only use the issue only for politicking. They don't...

really care about the issues. The only value immigration legislation has, to them, is to point fingers and garner votes that they already have.

If anyone on the hill cared about it, it would have passed when the current administration controlled the house and senate.
It doesn't sound like Boehner is backing down

We'll hear all the crying for about a week, then realize it wasn't a big deal.
Re: 4/5 of DHS is considered essential personnel

Originally posted by TarHeelEer:
We could not fund them for a year and they could still provide the job they're supposed to do.
Wrong. Good luck flying commerical air when there are no TSA agents working.

The shit will hit the fan real quick when the airlines are told to shut down since there is no TSA.
Actually you're wrong, link


"Department of Homeland Security: Working But Limited Services[/B] Over 80% of the DHS workforce has been deemed to be "essential" personnel for agencies such as TSA, Customs and Border Protection, Secret Service, Coast Guard, FEMA and Immigration Customs Enforcement. The host of employees from intelligence analysts to cyber security officials are also considered "essential" and will continue working."
Re: Actually you're wrong, link

If it's only for a few days, it will be business as usual. If it lasts for weeks, do you think people will continue to show up for work when not being paid?