Dana Is Finished Here

Billboard is officially dead. RIP billboard.

Dana lost 4 games, finished 4th in the B12, and got blown out by Syracuse in the Camping World Bowl--with his most talented, best team ever.

And our recruiting class is ranked 59th. Let that sink in.
I’m no Dana fan or supporter. However, let’s be fair. Blown out by Syracuse with his most talented, best team ever? We didn’t have our starting All American QB, 2 starting WR, and our potential 1st Rd NFL starting left tackle. Considering, I think we did ok.
I’m no Dana fan or supporter. However, let’s be fair. Blown out by Syracuse with his most talented, best team ever? We didn’t have our starting All American QB, 2 starting WR, and our potential 1st Rd NFL starting left tackle. Considering, I think we did ok.
He wasn't just referring to the bowl...he was referencing the total body of work this season.
How next season goes will depend on whatever juco talent can be brought in, and how quickly our freshmen develop. As it is now, the future doesn't look bright. It will make or break Dana. Another question is whether Long will be here.
Anxious to see of Holgorsen goes to Houston after the new year, I doubt he does because they obviously want more than mediocrity .

I disagree. Dana is a good coach. His problem is that he does not fit WVU, nor do I think playing at the P5 level. The skill requirement at the P5 level along with the presser is exponentially greater than it is at a G5 school like Houston. Dana would be - imo - a great G5 level coach just as much as he is a mediocre P5 level coach.

Dana would be back "home" in his mind in a world he is more comfortable and with people he has more in common with. He was never a West Virginian or a Mountaineer - again imo. But, as much as I did not want him here and thought WVU needed someone else, that does not make him a bad coach in any way.
I personally think he will suck at Houston as well. He will find a pocket stiff boy QB and try to be Texas Tech there too. The results will be 8-4 or worse. He is not a head coach period.
Markel from BG sports just tweeted it's more likely than not Dana will be coaching elsewhere next season. FWIW
Dana lost 4 games, finished 4th in the B12, and got blown out by Syracuse in the Camping World Bowl--with his most talented, best team ever.

And our recruiting class is ranked 59th. Let that sink in.
And you so conveniently ignore that a major cog in the Offensive machine was missing for the bowl game. Made a monstrously large difference. Also seems your memory is quite faulty in not recalling all the major injuries to LBs during the season. Until recently the major talk on this forum was who would replace Gibby as DC before next season. That idiocy was the result of some bad games, largely traceable to having to fill in for injured players with kids from other positions and those nor really ready for a lot of PT. How convenient to ignore major facts when you have an axe to friend and are willing to mislead by emphasizing a single supportive fact while ignoring the rest of a large body of explanatory information. That is paramount to the fake news we see so prevalent in the political world.

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