
This board is populated with the castaways from a happier forum. We should change the name to the Glass-Half-Empty board.
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The past month has been kind of a shit circus...can see the need for pessimism here.

That being said....we’re due for a down basketball year. We haven’t had one in a over a decade.
This board is the Matrix of insanity...

It is a couple of people with a bunch of accounts who control the narrative when anything bad happens.

You think this board is bad. Go over to 247 (former Scout) and see how negative that board has become. Years ago when it was BGN it was somewhat bearable. But now it's a train wreck with posters going after players. Pathetic.
You think this board is bad. Go over to 247 (former Scout) and see how negative that board has become. Years ago when it was BGN it was somewhat bearable. But now it's a train wreck with posters going after players. Pathetic.

I don't like the format of 247.
It is horrible. Looks like it is from 2003