Countryroads - since you view Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as a hero

Do you always make up random shit?

Do you have someone type your messages for you? The lack of intellect you are using would lead me to believe you aren't intelligent enough to use a keyboard.
What are you talking about?

He was found guilty on all thirty counts!
Re: What are you talking about?

"since you view Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as a hero"

Do you always make up random shit? My question still stands. You are very slow. Conversation over.

Re: What are you talking about?

Must be the despair and disappointment.
Re: What are you talking about?

How is this topic random? It's very topical. Why can't you answer my question? I mean if you're to broken up to make a coherent thought....
Re: What are you talking about?

Let me explain it to you as best I can since you are not using logic and are unable to follow along in a simple thread.

Your very first post, this thread YOU started, you RANDOMLY accused me of viewing Tsaenaev as a hero "since you view Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as a hero". I never mentioned the guy or gave any indication whatsoever that I would view a terrorist as a hero.

You then ask what I'm talking about when I ask you if you always make up random shit.

Please do go on about how I'm being incoherent.



This post was edited on 4/8 3:12 PM by countryroads89
Re: What are you talking about?

This is one of those threads where you just have to say, "Bless your heart".