Could discontent with football be affecting BBall attendance?

So now we're going to speculate on how attendance figures are "announced"? I, didn't start this thread, but have a couple others with the simple premise that it "appears to some of us that actual attendance is trending down...both in basketball and football. Some, seem to think that if you walked into a WVU game and noticed several thousand empty seats and wondered out loud, "where is everyone" that you would be anti-Mountaineer. Are our fans so terrified?
But our football attendance increased heavily in 2014 and hit our program's average in 2015

Our basketball team registered a top-6 ever season attendance average in 2015 and outside of 2 snow-filled games has been above average in 2016.....

But those are just facts, soooo

And no one is speculating about the attendance process at the Coliseum. I've sat there in Jerry West Lounge and watched members of the AD hand out print outs fresh off the printer of half time stats INCLUDING ATTENDANCE taken at the door
I can't get to the Jerry West Lounge anymore since I am always 1500 to 2000 miles away, but I am impressed that someone handing out a PR piece has stopped to explain to you the fine points of attendance announcement policy for WVU. That is impressive. Most of us aren't as important as you apparently. LOL.
So now we're going to speculate on how attendance figures are "announced"? I, didn't start this thread, but have a couple others with the simple premise that it "appears to some of us that actual attendance is trending down...both in basketball and football. Some, seem to think that if you walked into a WVU game and noticed several thousand empty seats and wondered out loud, "where is everyone" that you would be anti-Mountaineer. Are our fans so terrified?

I didn't speculate at all, that's how they do it. When they announce attendance, they use turnstile - not tickets sold.
Pitt announces tickets sold, at least for football, which is why there may only be 30K at a game but they announce 50K.
Football games are all day events that are used to reconnect with old friends, there is also only 6-7 games per season, not 15. As I said, most of the football crowd comes in from out of town, if that faction of the fanbase didnt exist and we were dependent on Morgantown only to sell out the stadium, our stadium would be 15,000 seats and wed be FCS. Basketball is just different when it comes to attendance, its a less popular sport (nationally, not just in WV), the games are much less of an "event", the games are also on a lot of weeknights. Were not the only team struggling to consistently sellout, its just the nature of the sport.
I believe that more people should be attending BB games but I absolutely agree that football games are more of an event than a BB game. That is why I make it to very few BB games compared to the football games I attend each season.