now if the herd can manage to squeak by the monarchs they will also try to claim a victory over Big know that" we beat the team that beat the team that beat the team thing"......victory by osmosis I guess
a buckeye is a worthless nut....any more sexual assaults by your coaching staff yesterday?Hey, Slow Head: I only saw the highlights of the Fold & Blew game, as the mighty Buckeyes were playing at the same time, but did I see "Won't" Grier throwing one one-yard TD after another to David "Stilts," and KSU never playing anything, but man-to-man coverage on "Stilts?" It appears that like you, the (in your case, smack) game has passed ole Bill Snyder by. Perhaps, you two could team up, and take the shuffleboard world by storm!
that's the only one we know about...urban liar knows of more...the truth will come outU mad? I guess that you have forgotten that Zach Smith, the alleged domestic abuser, was fired a couple of months ago. Here are the pics released by the Gainesville, FL Police Department regarding the incident in 2009:
no....abuse is abuse, no matter where you find it...I guess you could sue this get abused every time you show upAdmit it: You feel like a radical left-wing snowflake instead of a snow sled when you see pics like this, after having posted incessantly about domestic abuse.