We need to take the time and congratulate coach Tony Gibson for leading this team to a 10 win season. Gibson's defense was stalwart once again leading us to another victory just like it has all year. If it were not for Tony Gibson's defense we would have lost to Baylor,K State,Texas Byu and the end result would have been 6-6 not 10-2. Gibson's defense stood tall in the face of adversity just like a well oiled machine, kinda like the Maserati I have parked in my garage. Fluffer Holgorsen's offense came into the season with 8 returning starters and has been a major disappointment for the most part. Holgorsen's offense has resembled a 1970's station wagon that leaks oil with no hub caps and 4 bald tires. If TG were head coach we would be 11-1 at worst but probably 12-0 and heading to the playoff. Instead we are 10-2 and going to a table scrap bowl game against an 8-4 has been Miami program.