Colorado Supreme Court Removes Trump From 2024 Primary Ballot

We all knew this coming even though Trump was found not guilty of insurrection by the Senate and Jack Smith has not charged Trump with insurrection.
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It's going to get tossed. But apparently Colorado wants to start a civil war?
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This has nothing to do with the Senate or Jack Smith but solid post.

That makes it even worse. You idiots have become combative. No doubt you will try the same thing against all Republicans or opposition going forward.
We all knew this coming even though Trump was found not guilty of insurrection by the Senate and Jack Smith has not charged Trump with insurrection.
And the Supreme Court will overrule the Colorado Court and declare the entire fiasco unconstitutional which will bury the narrative once and for all.
Only a Democrat could find someone guilty of a crime before they are charged....
What can I say. They’re efficient, like Trump.

Donald Trump Says Central Park Five Are Guilty, Despite DNA Evidence​

The Exonerated Five: An In-Depth Look at Their Journey to Justice​

Why is it that it’s fine with you when Trump does the exact thing you accuse others of?
It's going to get tossed. But apparently Colorado wants to start a civil war?
No but they just guranteed a Trump landslide. The Left is always crying about Trump being a "Dictator" but the vast majority of American people do not like being told who they can and cannot vote for! Democrats have pulled their ultimate F you to voters, and they will be punished severely because of that.
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What can I say. They’re efficient, like Trump.

Donald Trump Says Central Park Five Are Guilty, Despite DNA Evidence​

The Exonerated Five: An In-Depth Look at Their Journey to Justice​

Why is it that it’s fine with you when Trump does the exact thing you accuse others of?
Why do you accuse Trump of insurrection and ignore that entire DNC/Obama DOJ fake collusion scam which was nothing more than a brazen illegal attempt to overturn a duly elected President? You can't answer can you? Curious.
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No but they just guranteed a Trump landslide.

They are not stopping with Trump. The sooner everyone figures this out the better. This isn't the Democrat Party most of us grew up with.
They are not stopping with Trump. The sooner everyone figures this out the better. This isn't the Democrat Party most of us grew up with.
Agreed. However they will reap what they sow. They won't always be in power, then when they're not and what they're doing to Trump is done to one of them, they'll be squealing like filthy pigs.
Oh noooo orange Jesus
So when does "Orange Jesus" become "Orange Hitler"? Imagine Jesus and Hitler being the same person? Only in the make believe fantasy land of Leftists. Havin' fun playing in your imaginary make believe world there @sammyk ?😏
Question for the "Trump as Dictator" accusers.

So if he's been declared ineligible to run for President and he's planning an appeal of that asinine Court ruling to a higher Court, if he was true "Dictator" worth a damn wouldn't he just order all the Judges who told him he's ineligible to ask for voter's permission to serve assassinated? Since when does a "Dictator" ask a Court to overturn another Court that's ruled against him seizing power? Don't all powerful "Dictators" just order anyone who disagrees with them wiped out? 🤔

@sammyk ? Why isn't Trump showing his "Dictatorial" power by "capping" these Judges?

@sammyk...visibly flummoxed by the incoherent dichotomy of his baseless and demonstrably ignorant claim

Damn really are confused aren't 'ya? What "Dictator" obeys a bunch of Judges in black robes? :rolleyes:
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Communist take over. Will Biden be alive for the election? Will China soon take over?

Kamala's Surprise Assignment After Trump's Ballot Removal!​

The American people will decide their next president, not activist judges in Colorado.

Texas has every right to defend it's border when the feds don't. It is in the Constitution, expressly.

We The People will vote for who we want as it's our constitutional right, any judge who has violated their oath needs to be removed from their position of power immediately.

The Colorado case will never withstand the scrutiny of the United States Supreme Court.

How could Trump be thrown off the Coloroda ballot, he has not had a trial yet proving his role in the "insurrection?"
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Ruling is absurd, unconstitutional, antidemocratic​

Clearly, Colorado over stepped their authority. Sad day for democracy.

The decision on Donald Trump by the Colorado Supreme Court marked the first time a court ruled to keep a presidential candidate off the ballot.

Is it legal for Colorado Supreme Court to remove Donald Trump from the ballot?

Chief Justice Brian Boatright, one of the three dissenters on the seven-member court, wrote that he believes Colorado election law "was not enacted to decide whether a candidate engaged in insurrection," and said he would have dismissed the challenge to Trump's eligibility.

"In the absence of an insurrection-related conviction, I would hold that a request to disqualify a candidate under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment is not a proper cause of action under Colorado's election code," he wrote.

Samour went on to argue that allowing states to decide individually whether to allow Trump's candidacy "risked chaos in the country." The justice conjured visions of state governments divided on the legitimacy of a victorious presidential candidate.

"This can't possibly be the outcome the framers intended," Samour argued.

Dem-appointed Colorado justice says Trump ballot ban undermines 'bedrock' of America in fiery dissent​

All 3 dissenting justices in the Colorado court's decision were Democrat appointees​


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