Clinton tour parks in handicapped parking. Is being elderly now a handicsp

Re: quit the trolling and hating

You live in Florida and do not realize elderly people often get Handicap permits so they can park in Handicap spaces?

It is bad enough you have rejoined this board with daily nonsense after you were so embarrassed after the 2012 election but this board has enough trolls. With your reappearance, attempt to post something relevant once in awhile.
Re: quit the trolling and hating

Surprised someone hasn't said, the Clintons are morally handicapped. *

I was giving hsr the benefit of the doubt. I did not assume it was her

outsized sense of entitlement or flagrant disregard of the law that immediately come to mind when one thinks of Mrs. Clinton. I tried to keep an open mind and think if she were using handicapped that she was doing so legimately. I am glad to see from your explanation that the elderly do get passes that she was doing just that and not abusing her white and top 1% privilege.
They say humor is funny when it contains truth.

Nice job.
This post was edited on 4/20 2:38 PM by orlando eer
Re: quit the trolling and hating

Seem a strange charge coming from a guy who was dittoing his pals for comparing presidential candidates to McVeigh recently? I know it was either bru or bud,but I get the two mixed up.

This post was edited on 4/20 3:04 PM by orlando eer
Re: quit the trolling and hating

didn't know privileged equated to handicapped. I saw a shot of her wagon parked at a handicapped parking and just thought it was another entitlement given the first family.
Re: quit the trolling and hating

I think as Bru explained you can get handicapped stickers when you in your late 60's. My guess is one of her staffers forgot to put it on. Besides I think privileged is one of those 10 or 12 words the Clinton campaign warned us not to use or there would be hell to pay. Don't want her rapid response team jamming up the off topic board.

This post was edited on 4/20 3:35 PM by orlando eer
Re: quit the trolling and hating

At 74, I have never heard of such a parking pass. Hell, the whole state of Fla is in late 60s to early 100s. In SC, the handicapped has to file a form that the attending physician has to verify there is a handicap that prevents longer walks. Why would age prevent a person from walking? Doubt that age alone qualifies.
Re: quit the trolling and hating

I am guessing states are different but it isn't hard to get a handicap permit in either GA or PA. Only two states I have had experience with on the issue.

And I was encouraged before my 40th birthday to apply for one and I said no. I don't recall the details of the application as I threw it away.
She is elderly and has lived a rough life putting up with Bill.

I do not begrudge her a handicap pass. If she has trouble walking a longer distance than the handicap area, I do not want her to suffer the indignity of using a walker. Her campaign should be able to get her a Scooby doo golf cart, it is what elderly down here in Fl do and IG seems to work out well.

This post was edited on 4/20 5:58 PM by orlando eer
speaking of bringing something important to the board

How is that fat fuk retard brother of yours doing?

This post was edited on 4/20 6:46 PM by dave
She is elderly and has lived a rough life putting up with Bill.

I do not begrudge her a handicap pass. If she has trouble walking a longer distance than the handicap area, I do not want her to suffer the indignity of using a walker. Her campaign should be able to get her a Scooby doo golf cart, it is what elderly down here in Fl do and IG seems to work out well.

This post was edited on 4/20 5:58 PM by orlando eer
I guess if I had to carry that much ass around all day, my legs and back would give out too. Should not question another person's disability, really.

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