Clay/Fingon.... no offense. There's no WAY they could have done


Heisman Winner
Oct 8, 2001
those dugouts at any faster pace.

I went back through and examined pictures of the project from day one, and that was one wet shitty looking project.

And people that think it could have been done in under a year are kidding themselves.
If it couldn't be done . . .

then why was it in the contract to be done?

Sorry, I fully concede I'm no contractor. I simply observe that I hardly ever see a project that comes in on time, much less early. Why are the construction schedules so optimistic if there is such a high chance of delay due to weather? Why wouldn't we have started earlier to compensate. Stuff like this drives me nuts, especially when deadlines run so freaking close to when a facility is scheduled to open.

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