Christie vows to crack down on states with legal weed if elected.


Apr 7, 2010
Which probably means he will never be elected. Must have stock in the private prison industry.
I detest that beached whale.

I have no idea how he got elected. The Democratic nominee must have been beyond defective.

The guy is the typical Northeastern bully .......... and probably smells like bologna.

I have no plans on getting close enough to find out.

Of course, I would still vote for him before Hillary ........... if I voted.


Good luck to him. I'm sure it helps him marginally with the cultural conservative and elderly blocs--but those people aren't going to leave Huckabee, Santorum, or Cruz to go vote for some shady governor of NJ. He may as well wear a sign that says "no one under 40 should vote for me." Which is fine--that's his right.
Especially in WV. With the type tourism we have we are

like the Colorado of the East. You see how much tax money it has raised in Colorado?
Re: Especially in WV. With the type tourism we have we are

yes because, clearly, WV's biggest problem is the lack of availability of mind altering substances.
Alcohol was once illegal

Is alcohol and marijuana the probelm? Or the abuse of it?

You really don't hear a lot of people going on murdering rampages after abusing marijuana.
What I'm interested in seeing in Colorado

Is whether they see an increase or decrease in other drugs.

I have no idea why alcohol is legal and weed is illegal. How many high people do you see getting in bar brawls? How many high people commit domestic violence?

People refer to weed as a gateway drug, but my suspicion is that the use of illegal drugs will drop with the legalization of weed. If it's a "gateway" drug, it is only that because of the underground means of getting it now. You immediately are dealign with the criminal element (by legal definitions) and since you're already visiting that guy for this, why not try some of that?

That's my theory anyway. It will be a few years before there is data to support or reject that theory ... of course, the world will be destroyed by then. :)
I always love this fallacy that . . . .

just because something isn't the most important concern that it somehow becomes an irrelevant concern. By that logic, we shouldn't care about 95% of the topics people argue about in politics. Afterall, school vouchers, public libraries, and transportation budgets are really silly in comparison to impending nuclear war.
what does science say?

there is data. there is study after study showing what effects weed has on violence, the brain, the heart, the penis, etc. There is also science on its role in the use of other stronger effecting drugs. I would suggest its underground nature is not the only reason it may be a gateway drug but that is only a suggestion without me digging into what social science and other allied health data reveals.

Legalize it with the realization it isn't benign. Driving a car has risks too. So does not taking MMR.
Re: Especially in WV. With the type tourism we have we are

I haven't heard any negatives about it at all in Colorado. It would be interesting to see if drug arrests have went down.
They would have to go down wouldn't they?

Originally posted by EEResistable:
It would be interesting to see if drug arrests have went down.
What percentage of drug arrest were for pot? Or do you mean drug arrests for other drugs?
he definitely won't be

He doesn't even ealize he's odd man out with Bush in the race.
Re: could you elaborate on the . . .

chronic use has been shown to lower testosterone levels and cause vascular disease (just like cigarettes). Libido is tied to testosterone and erections are intimately (pardon the pun) related to blood flow into and out of the penis involving nitric oxide .(Viagra works by getting more nitric oxide in the penis to vasodilate).

low testosterone eventually will contribute to man boobs too. So, many stoners need a bra, not solely to getting high because of the obesity rate, but it does contribute. Just something to consider, I guess.
Re: could you elaborate on the . . .

Originally posted by BigLickMountee:

chronic use has been shown to lower testosterone levels and cause vascular disease (just like cigarettes). Libido is tied to testosterone and erections are intimately (pardon the pun) related to blood flow into and out of the penis involving nitric oxide .(Viagra works by getting more nitric oxide in the penis to vasodilate).

low testosterone eventually will contribute to man boobs too. So, many stoners need a bra, not solely to getting high because of the obesity rate, but it does contribute. Just something to consider, I guess.
Plenty of dudes overweight with bitch tits who don't smoke weed. That's a wash of statistic.
Re: could you elaborate on the . . .

plenty of overweight dudes with tits who don't have marijuana related ED too.

the most important part of my response was the first small paragraph.
Re: I always love this fallacy that . . . .

I think his point is that wv has a lot of issues and having more people on mind tering drugs is a bit counter productive.
legalizing weed has created a heroin epidemic

all the drug dealers that were making money selling illegal pot are now having to sell heroin to make money. Also, those states bording pot states are now having to deal with drug traffic through their states as well as the violence that goes along with that. The drug free states should sue the crap out of the doper states.
I think it's a . . . .

stretch to believe that legalization would lead to that many more people using than already currently do. Marginally more, sure. Enough to move the needle significantly? I have my doubts. And that's not even getting into the question of how many people (again, probably a small marginal number) might be inclined to displace their alcohol use with use of weed, if availability concerns and social stigma were reduced.
Re: Yea I'm just making that up

No, we wouldn't want to cut into drug cartel profits. The crackdown on prescription opiate abuse has caused the heroin epidemic.
Re: I detest that beached whale.

It is truly amazing to me what stupid things these would be candidates say to destroy their chances of being elected. And you are right, he probably smells like bologna.
Be realistic. 8 out of 10 chronic marijuana users you know are worthless dipshits.

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