Childless Sociopaths….

If I was you I would to distract people from the information below too.

Are you and moe having difficulties getting pregnant? You can always adopt.
Yep...Thanks to the media you folks cannot lose...Funny how things can change.
You went from a guy that won a Presidential election to a cackling idiot that never got a vote in that same election and is now being anointed by the media...what a joke.
He is perfect. He’s sucking up all the oxygen in biff’s atmosphere now. Meanwhile Kamala is quietly surging.
Is that what they are telling you fuktards? These same people had you believing Biden was the sharpest he ever was until June.
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Is that what they are telling you fuktards? These same people had you believing Biden was the sharpest he ever was until June. the idiot is the greatest thing since sliced bread according to the media.
Notice how that same media REFUSES to address Trump's comments regarding Project 2025.
I hope you know what I did.

I know Narco Terrorism funds more Terrorism, Foreign Military's including Islamic Socialism Causes, CCP's Military, Islamic Jihadist, and Politicians get kickbacks. the idiot is the greatest thing since sliced bread according to the media.
Notice how that same media REFUSES to address Trump's comments regarding Project 2025.

People who support Project 2025 need to go vote for Trump instead of pouting. Harris will be going the most radical route in the other direction.
Yep...Thanks to the media you folks cannot lose...Funny how things can change.
You went from a guy that won a Presidential election to a cackling idiot that never got a vote in that same election and is now being anointed by the media...what a joke.

Michaels, a lesbian, went viral on Saturday with her message to her "fellow gays" about the drag queen depiction of the iconic biblical scene made famous by Leonardo da Vinci as part of the Olympics in Paris.

"We demand tolerance and respect but then make a mockery of something sacred for over 2 billion Christians. This type of hypocrisy and lack of understanding is a bad look," Michaels wrote on X. "We get outraged when the extreme right bashes us, but then we do this s---. What kind of reaction do you think they will have towards the LGBTQ+ community after this. This is NOT how we break down barriers, it’s how you build them."

Jillian Michaels says Olympics opening ceremony mocking Last Supper was a 'big F. U.' to Christians​

That's the entire point of a Marxist Struggle Session. They are trying to start a civil war.
People who support Project 2025 need to go vote for Trump instead of pouting. Harris will be going the most radical route in the other direction.
It's gotten coverage but his comments are one of his all-time stupidest, weakest lies. Of course he knows all about it. Duh lol

Divide and Conquer isn't going to work. The options are Trump/Vance or Harris who sounds like Maduro. Joe Biden has had Dementia the past 3 1/2 years. So we have seen what she can do.
Judges like this is what Harris and the Democrats want to pack the Supreme Court with.

I'm not Catholic. But I definitely see where it's headed. The "useful idiots" are on the list too once they are no longer useful.


I'd love to see a legitimate analysis of the financial value of the 24/7 pro-Democrat, anti-Republican propaganda constantly emanating from
, and all of the major networks. Campaigns spend 100's of millions of dollars on cable and network ads in hopes of establishing narratives, countering opponent strengths, highlighting candidate strengths and opponent weaknesses and reacting to various issues and events. The cost of these ads and the teams, pollsters, consultants, production companies and media outreach advisor infrastructure is astronomical.If 30 seconds on
during the Olympics costs millions, how much would it cost for a full day of in-kind pro-Dem contribution on
, or an evening of
, et al.? What's the cost of a 24-hour campaign commercial?

Apparently everyone is making money doing this except me. Which sucks because this Inflation is hurting all of us.

Thanks Harris
It's gotten coverage but his comments are one of his all-time stupidest, weakest lies. Of course he knows all about it. Duh lol
Of coarse he knows ALL about it...but he also said;
"I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal."

“President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way,” the Trump statement read.

On abortion, Project 2025 goes farther with restrictions than Trump has said he would go.
Trump blasted the plan last week,

Fact check: Harris falsely claims Project 2025 blueprint calls for cutting Social Security

One of Harris’ claims about Project 2025 is false, while another is at least misleading.
The Project 2025 document does not show that Trump intends to cut Social Security; the document barely discusses Social Security at all and does not propose cuts to the program. In addition, contrary to Harris’ suggestion, Project 2025 does not call to “end” the Affordable Care Act or eliminate its protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security to help pay for Joe Biden’s reckless spending spree, which is more reckless than anybody has ever done or had in the history of our country.
I will say that Harris looks like a different person in appearances since Biden dropped out.
She is doing a very good job, looks comfortable, more natural and believable.
However, she still lies just like Trump and most politicians do.
Of coarse he knows ALL about it...but he also said;
"I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal."

“President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way,” the Trump statement read.

On abortion, Project 2025 goes farther with restrictions than Trump has said he would go.
Trump blasted the plan last week,

Fact check: Harris falsely claims Project 2025 blueprint calls for cutting Social Security

One of Harris’ claims about Project 2025 is false, while another is at least misleading.
The Project 2025 document does not show that Trump intends to cut Social Security; the document barely discusses Social Security at all and does not propose cuts to the program. In addition, contrary to Harris’ suggestion, Project 2025 does not call to “end” the Affordable Care Act or eliminate its protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security to help pay for Joe Biden’s reckless spending spree, which is more reckless than anybody has ever done or had in the history of our country.
lol Yes, those are the lies that I'm talking about.
I will say that Harris looks like a different person in appearances since Biden dropped out.
She is doing a very good job, looks comfortable, more natural and believable.
However, she still lies just like Trump and most politicians do.
Campaign mode versus suck dick to get promoted mode.
lol Yes, those are the lies that I'm talking about.
Yes...good catch.. I agree,especially the Harris lie about Trump doing away with Social Security. Fact Checker caught that Harris lie.
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Yes...good catch.. I agree,especially with the Harris lie about Trump doing away with Social Security. Fact Checker caught that Harris lie.

Harris and her donors wants everyone on Social Security. Including Illegals.

She said so in this thread below.

No way anyone can believe anything biff says about Qanon Project 2025. It was put together by HIS people.

He said everyone isn't going to get what want however if you vote for Harris you get the below.

Yes...good catch.. I agree,especially the Harris lie about Trump doing away with Social Security. Fact Checker caught that Harris lie.
No, she's a truth teller. Trump tried and failed to cut SS benefits during his first term so nothing wrong with suggesting that he would do it again.

Trump released a proposed budget for 2021, as he had in previous years, that advocated cutting two disability programs administered by the Social Security Administration: Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income. Collectively, the two programs serve millions of Americans.

Trump proposed cuts, but Congress didn’t bite