Catholic, hates the government and believes the NRA is too weak


Sep 6, 2013
Rand Paul?

Ted Cruz?

Timothy McVeigh?

20 years ago today, some crazy bastard that hated the government and fought for gun rights killed 168 people, including women and children. We really need to be careful about the anti-government shit that is spewed out of some people's mouths nowadays.
Originally posted by countryroads89:
Rand Paul?

Ted Cruz?

Timothy McVeigh?

20 years ago today, some crazy bastard that hated the government and fought for gun rights killed 168 people, including women and children. We really need to be careful about the anti-government shit that is spewed out of some people's mouths nowadays.
You are just dumb enough to try and connect those three together.
Re: +1

I've been saying that for years on this board. Idiots that will argue don't realize they are indeed part of the problem.
Is this the return of Knox? Or just weak attempt at trolling. Then again it could be neither and he is that stupid. My guess he is simply trolling and just not very good at it.
Is this the return of Knox? Or just weak attempt at trolling. Then again it could be neither and he is that stupid. My guess he is simply trolling and just not very good at it.

it is no coincidence that the great "patriots" who dominate the GOP have no problem with the anti-government rhetoric spewed by the haters whenever a Democrat sits in the Oval Office. As was pointed out, we had the militia movement back in the Clinton years when they thought Bill was going to confiscate all the guns. This of course spawned the Oklahoma City bombing, the Olympics bombing, many abortion clinic bombings, and who knows how many other violent acts. Now, since 2009, govt is bad again. It can do no good. Obama is the devil, Yada yada. All coming from the true "patriots". Some patriots. They are at the root of the political dysfunction in this country. And they dominate the today's GOP thanks to Fox News and the whacko right wing "drive by media".
Re: Yup....

Is it really that hard to admit that you got the cheif exec you wanted for eight and he turned out to be less than competent. I know the fact is painful, so I cut you guys some for your whining and blame shifting.
That's weird, without an "anti-government" stance, America would not exist.

Thankfully for both you and I (and things as "important" as an interwebs forum to thump our hairless chests) our founding fathers were absolute radicals. I bet you're damn glad they were.

There's never been a group of people more anti-establishment than the ones who founded this country ........... many of them setting up ....... (drumroll) ...... a government and then rattling off some of the most anti-government quotes in history ..... Thomas Jefferson's "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." being one of the more thought-provoking with George Mason's "To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them." being one that is most used by your gun enthusiasts.

In fact, there's about 3 dozen of such quotes from our founding fathers (far greater leaders than anything we've had in modern times) that seem to almost smack prophetically of a time when government would go from public servants to career politicians ....... or 'career oppressors' if you listen to survivalists.

About the only thing I agreed with you on is that McVeigh was a total loon.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot ......


This post was edited on 4/19 3:23 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Only an ignorant fool could spout that garbage with a straight face

30 some million American now have health insurance who didn't before

bin laden is dead

DJIA now at 18,000. It was about 6500 a month after he was sworn in.

40some straight months of private sector job growth ( 10 million new created) after losing hundreds of thousands in the months before he was sworn in.

US combat troops out of Iraq where they had no business in the first place

Dodd Frank

Turned around US auto industry which was on verge of collapse averting likely depression

Recapitalized banks averting a likely depression

Ghadaffi dead

Improved America's image abroad

Averted war with Iran but increasing sanctions forcing them to the table to negotiate. Nuke agreement pending. Winuts ain't buying it. Surprise.

Unemployment at 5.5% now and was almost 10% a few months after he inherited his mess .

Inflation negligible

Gas prices

Fairly successfully protected the US from terrorism-Boston Marathon, isolated individual attacks notwithstanding

The same people today who claim a failed presidency said the stock market would crash, terrorists would attack us again, corporations would go bankrupt, the Constitution would be shredded yada yada. Shocking. I'll give you morons credit though. You are persistent.
Re: Only an ignorant fool could spout that garbage with a straight face

Obamacare from the very beginning has been unpopular and most polls show it it detested by 10-15% more people than like it.

Your guy did get obl off his ventilator but he also traded a deserter/traitor for 5 terrorists.

Stock market direct result of fed easy money policy.

Quality of jobs overall has been pisspoor overall and jobless is down only because the labor participation rate by % is at a 40 year low.

Troops out, but Middle east, Africa and Ukraine burning. Nobody but leftists give props to 0's lack of any foreign policy and the polls reflect it.

Dodd frank, maybe a wash but again not popular. Barney thanks you though.

Recapitalized banks following Bush admin and Bernankes blue print.

Ghaddi dead, Libya and middle east in general in worse shape than 0 found it.

Improved image abroad. Unless weakness is what you mean, otherwise you leftists are living in a bubble. Maybe improved with Iran and Cuba.

Giving the ME to Iran on a platter and with nukes in the future after your hero is out of office. Every country in the ME outside of Iranian clients oppose it for good reason.

5.5 less hard do when SSoc disability, discouraged workers and those receiving gov assistance are not counted as jobless. Otherwise it would impressive. Forgot the huge number of part time workers included in figures, many an indirect result of ocare and employers reaction to it.

Low inflation, that happens when wage growth is close to non existent.

Gas prices, thank the Saudi's and the frackers nut jobs on the left tend to hate.

Boston .Marathon attack was not O's fault. Lying about Ft Hood not being a terrorist attack was. Withholding benefits to the dead and survivors of the attack to buttress his fiction was detestable. Work ace violence my ass.

This post was edited on 4/19 5:00 PM by orlando eer
You probably have relatives who were Crusaders. You have respect the feelings of leftists who do not like that. I knew they hate the NRA, I had no idea it extends to Catholics. Guess I should be Glad I am protestant, tho I doubt they like them any more than Catholics. The left gets wierded out about anyone who has faith in anything other than climate change and big government.

This post was edited on 4/19 6:00 PM by orlando eer
Re: Only an ignorant fool could spout that garbage with a straight face

30 some million American now have health insurance who didn't before

How many millions lost Insurance and were forced into this boondoggle and you are counting them too.

bin laden is dead

Obama didn't go over there and kill him himself. It doesn't matter which President would have been in office when they found him they would have had him killed

DJIA now at 18,000. It was about 6500 a month after he was sworn in.

facts are facts

40some straight months of private sector job growth ( 10 million new created) after losing hundreds of thousands in the months before he was sworn in.

I think you should look at the breakdown of the average wage and type of jobs these are. Remember, this admin also includes temporary and part time jobs in their numbers.

US combat troops out of Iraq where they had no business in the first place

Yes, look at what is happening in Iraq due to your leader having absolutely no foresight

Dodd Frank

Turned around US auto industry which was on verge of collapse averting likely depression

Bush might get some credit too since he used over $17 billion in TARP money to help them in 2008. Also, why is Ford and others who didn't take bailout money doing so well? It's because in a capitalist society you either sink or swim and that is how it is supposed to be. Obama has no right picking winners and losers.

Recapitalized banks averting a likely depression

Again winners and losers and he also saved a bunch of bankers from the consequences of their idiotic decisions

Ghadaffi dead

Again doing something without foresight or guidance. Libya is in more chaos that before he was killed.

Improved America's image abroad

ummm...I don't think so. Our allies don't trust us and our enemies don't fear us. We are a joke because of Obama.

Averted war with Iran but increasing sanctions forcing them to the table to negotiate. Nuke agreement pending. Winuts ain't buying it. Surprise.

Averted a war? How do you know? Do you have a Chrystal ball? Many people think his "agreement will cause a huge war in the Middle East.

Unemployment at 5.5% now and was almost 10% a few months after he inherited his mess .

Most economist say his numbers are skewed because of the rainbow and lollipop formula. Some say it is actually closer to 12-14% but Obama doesn't use the "not looking anymore and have given up looking". That is the craziest chit I've ever heard of.
you want to talk about crazy people

You just compared rand paul and ted cruz to mcveigh. You are an idiot.
One was angry and tried to change things by blowing up a government building. The other two wanted to change things by serving the us in public office representing voters. So very similar. Apparently not agreeing with countrytards politics is comparable to terrorism.
Based on this moron's stance, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson ........

.......... and George Mason should have been profiled and jailed on their history of inflammatory comments and/or past violence while idiots like Barack Obama and Al Sharpton get a pass. Hell, from him they get a blowjob.

The sad part?

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, George Mason, and Barack Obama and Al Sharpton all in the same sentence.

Let it sink in how devoid of history these radical, deluded Liberals are.

They think we have fine "leaders" in this country (Democratic or Republicans) and every day they expose themselves as believing simultaneous global homicide is a hoax ..... never happened ..... and never will again because ...... well, because it can't "happen again" when it's never happened before.

What a gaggle of buffoons they are. Thank God we are doooooooooooooooooomed!!!!!!


This post was edited on 4/19 8:33 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
it wasnt long ago

Hypocrites like countrytard were anti-govt. They didnt like the guy running the show. Their superhero obama campaigned on change. Apparently obama was much like mcveigh.
Take a quick inventory of how blinded, how hypocritical these choads are.

They wouldn't dare say a foul word about the current leadership ........ no matter what the results ....... and the cumulative results have been utterly abysmal.

I've had nothing positive to say about the Republicans ....... nor about the Democrats .... and hell, if the Libertarians, Tea Party, etc. wielded the same stroke I'd hate those bastages with the same passion.

There's not a more corrupt vehicle than politics and the current vehicle may be the absolute worst I have ever witnessed. But I will say this much for Obama ...... he's not clueless. He's learned from the best scoundrels (Ayers, Wright, etc.) followed his iniquitous, unpropitious, playbook down to the letter ...... and it's not difficult to spot the slack-jawed buffoons on here who slurp it up and ask for a creamy re-fill.
There is stooopid.....

then there's this.

Originally posted by countryroads89:
Rand Paul?

Ted Cruz?

Timothy McVeigh?

20 years ago today, some crazy bastard that hated the government and fought for gun rights killed 168 people, including women and children. We really need to be careful about the anti-government shit that is spewed out of some people's mouths nowadays.
He also stated that he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that

science is his religion.
Waco and Ruby ridge spawned the Oklahoma City bombing.

And the only different between the rhetoric today, and the rhetoric of 10 years ago... the party affiliations.
"30 some million American now have health insurance who didn't before "

I just love my higher premiums... higher deductibles... and thousands in bills for a sick child.
Those have all gone down for me ... thankfully don't have a sick child

Originally posted by Mntneer:
I just love my higher premiums... higher deductibles... and thousands in bills for a sick child.
Sorry about the sick child. Sincerely.

My premiums have actually gone down under our new plan.

What gets me is that everybody blames higher rates on the ACA, as if they didn't notice they had been rising year over year since the mid-90s. As soon as Obama Care gets mentioned then there's a scapegoat for the higher rates and suddenly everybody blames that on higher rates. Even rates that were going up before it was ever signed into law, even as it was being discussed and hadn't been implemented and become law, people were complaining about their rates going up.

I'm not saying the ACA is a success. Far from it. But at least in my personal experience it isn't the unmitigated disaster everybody claims it is.

Having said that, the hugest area in which it missed the mark is that it has placed even more control in the hands of the insurance companies ... which has been the problem with out of control premiums since the 90's.

we need to get the insurance companies out of healthcare. We need a single payer system. Obamacare is the first step. My insurance premium for my staff and myself has risen to about 4 times what it was 20 years ago. As a healthcare provider, I don't make even 1.2X what I did 20 years ago. My reimbursements are actually lower in many areas than they used to be. Insurance companies are the middleman making the money off the backs of patients and doctors. They need to be cut out.
Re: He also stated that he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that

Saying science is his religion makes about as much sense as saying religion is his science. Neither statement makes any sense.

As I understand it though he had converted to non-belief in God by the time he blew up that building and that makes the sometimes categorization of him as a religious nutcase inaccurate.
I don't fully disagree there. Insurance it at the root of the problem, tha

that and the mentality that people expect something for nothing.

It's not a "free market" system because I don't price check Doctors before having my son examined, and in places like WV we can't even really price check when it comes to health coverage as there are no that many games in town.

The ACA was a handout to insurance companies and stood on a false foundation that health care is a free market where more people equals lower prices.

That being said, I don't think I want a single payer system as well, a system run by the government. So much abuse, fraud and waste in the existing government run systems that I fear a single payer system in this country was be a massive failure.
When I was young ... the doctor had one lady

That one person was the receptionist and billed insurance. Now it seems there are 2-3 people just to deal with the insurance. Seems like everything went crazy when HMO's came into the picture.

I had a friend who's father was an orthopedic surgeon who paid something like $150k/year in malpractice insurance (never lost a case or found guilty of anything). So there probably needs to be some tort reform as well.

Everybody having insurance is fine (there were already millions upon millions paid out by taxpayers for the uninsured) but they need to reign in costs some as well. When talking to the OB/GYN that delivered my son, he was planning to retire soon because he was being squeezed by the insurance companies. The costs for him were going up, but they were paying less and less, he even said there were fewer and fewer doctors entering that field for that reason.

The insurance companies are the problem (as well as lawyers), I don't see how creating a market for more of them was going to make anything more affordable.
It may take my wife 15 minutes to actually see a person, but

then another 45 minutes to fill out all the paperwork. On a good day she can average 2 hours per patient, if the charting is not that much or if it's not a new admission.

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