Can't UpChucky Ever Shut Up????

With people endlessly advertising for him.... ...why would he ?
If it will make you guys feel any better, when I was in my late teens and Chuck was newly minted writer, I used to rest my armpit on his head when I would guard him during pickup basketball games around the valley.

BTW, real men didn't use deodorant in those days. Or shower much. It kept the skeeters away.
Chuck is just preaching to his choir, the Marshall fans. If he were working in Morgantown, he'd taking potshots at Marshall.

Maybe he should be a politician because can twist facts like one. Plus, look at his photo. The man has problems.

I've never been able to figure out what happened with Landon. I've literally known since he went to work for the Daily Mail as a HS beat writer and I was in HS. He was always a good guy. I'd run into him at WVU as a student and he was up working on article, same old Chuck. Graduated from college, would travel in for home games, and late in the season when basketball was starting up, I'd wander over to the Coliseum, and there would be Chuck talking to the coaching staff and watching practice. We'd b.s. afterwards and catch up, again a good guy.

When I started seeing him in the mid 90's he had a bit of an attitude, but I figure it was due to moving up the ladder. I didn't give it much thought. One Christmas I'm in for a visit and I run into the guy and he's acting like an ass that doesn't think his sh!t stinks. About a year later I hear he got the boot from "Statewide Sportsline" a show he'd been a semi-regular guest on since it's inception. He'd always been a Marshall homer, his antics along those lines never bothered me. It was his change in general demeanor and visceral hate of all things WVU that surprised me.

He had a kid at home who was on his way to being a future convict at that time. Maybe that set him off? Who knows, but it was fairly abrupt change.
Dan....YOU are the one that is always on Herd boards and YOU are the one, more often than not, that brings that crap over here. Give it up...we DO NOT CARE!