Can we expect a campaign from Marshall to try and get out of CUSA soon?


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2001
Or will they continue to sit in the garbage that is C-USA and earn $200K per year in TV money? My guess is that they will actively seek to leave, when every other conference doesn't want them, including the AAC, Hamrick will come out and state that the mighty Herd never wanted to leave, and they are just peachy in C-USA.
ODU & Charlotte are looking to jump to the next level (see the articles I posted on expansion) and the moooo, well they KNOW it would be a waste of time (forget the money) to even try.
I love the herd. I really like the mountaineers. As a herd fan the answer to your question is HELL NO. You cant brag and brag on a leauge then turn around and say you want out. They think the big 12 is weak. WV could mow Baylor,Texas,Ok state and herd fans wouldnt admit they were good wins. right now we cant beat WKU and shouldnt badmouth anybody. Its only a few and dangerous dan is right. Some are very delusional. I love the herd but their fans, well some on the message boards, are idiots.

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