can anyone explain the moral justification to have voted for Biden?


Nov 10, 2003
for those who voted for Biden, do you consider your vote an extension of moral failure? And did you know ahead of time a vote for him was moral failure? Probably!
for those who voted for Biden, do you consider your vote an extension of moral failure? And did you know ahead of time a vote for him was moral failure? Probably!
Let’s all stop pretending, only a very small percentage voted for the moron. The election was rigged and stolen.
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81 milllion ballots ...

51 million voters ...

they counted fake ballots until Trump lost...

it's not that hard to figure out...

Trump received 12 MILLION MORE VOTES in 2020 than he did in 2016...
81 milllion ballots ...

51 million voters ...

they counted fake ballots until Trump lost...

it's not that hard to figure out...

Trump received 12 MILLION MORE VOTES in 2020 than he did in 2016...
but still, what is the moral basis to vote for Biden?

what was so right to vote for him? Biden is an incredible moral failure. how wrong is it to say Biden is a moral failure?
for those who voted for Biden, do you consider your vote an extension of moral failure? And did you know ahead of time a vote for him was moral failure? Probably!
They were just hyped up on a Democrat created & media fed narrative that Trump was a racist, Evil dictator who had to be removed. Not one of them could ever explain or justify one fact backing up any of those smears.

Lobotomized voters...all of 'em.
biden didn't win...

why blame the people ?

they would've counted votes for 45 days if needed...
Exactly. They just needed to know how many extra votes they needed to get him over the top in those closely contested swing States. That's why they had to suspend the vote counts. They couldn't keep up with all the Trump votes coming in fast enough to keep from declaring him the winner, so they shut the vote counts down until they could add up all the Trump votes, then figure out how many extra fake ballots they needed to declare Biden the winner.

What other reason was there to shut down all of those vote counts only in those swing States? Biden was losing and losing badly in all of those States until the vote counts in all of them were suddenly suspended. He won every one of them with virtually all of the votes that were counted afterwards!

A giant scam. Just like the plandemic which allowed these scoundrels to collect all of those fake ballots! :mad:
Leftists who log onto this forum with their various Trump drive-by "hit pieces" have zero credibility. They never mention anything about the obvious corruption in the Biden administration. They never mention anything about all of the illegal and in fact unconstitutional actions taken against Trump. They also never defend or offer support for any of the failed policy results they in fact voted for (those who legally cast Biden ballots) while freely attacking Trump's successful initiatives.


Their "silent treatment" over all of these oversights is not only laughable, but revealing. It's a firm admission of their political defeat & guilty consciences. It's tacit approval of the failed policy ideas they willingly voted for or support. It's also extremely hypocritical of them to voice any concerns about Trump's alleged failures or alleged illegal actions, when their party and chosen candidate is the personification of all of it!

To me, they're only good for mocking, making fun of, and pointing out how fake and phony they all are as they hide from their own self defeating Truths. It's fun and keeps them away from this forum infecting it with their loser mentality & mindless drivel.
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2019 was the greatest economic year in US history...

and the Deep State and Communists COULDN'T allow that to continue...

which led to the covid lie and the mail-in vote lie....

that was the ONLY way they could have won the 2020 election...

the ENTIRE DC political machine was fighting Trump his entire time in the White House...

the Russia lie, the Mueller lie, the fake impeachments... all to remove Trump...

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2019 was the greatest economic year in US history...

and the Deep State and Communists COULDN'T allow that to continue...

which led to the covid lie and the mail-in vote lie....

that was the ONLY way they could have won the 2020 election...

the ENTIRE DC political machine was fighting Trump his entire time in the White House...

the Russia lie, the Mueller lie, the fake impeachments... all to remove Trump...

All true...all so sadly, frustratingly and maddeningly TRUE! Return the favor in a few short weeks. Vote them all out and then in '24 restore Trump to his rightful place as the real winning Commander-in-Chief.
Leftists who log onto this forum with their various Trump drive-by "hit pieces" have zero credibility.

Even Obama is saying the left is spending too much time talking about Trump. Trump or January 6th. It's all they talk about.

WHO CARES, when you can't fill your fuel tanks, can't afford to heat your homes, can't afford food, can't afford housing, can't walk the streets and feel safe in our own neighborhoods...etc.? Who cares about Trump right now? Who cares about the presidential election that is over two years away? What about RIGHT NOW? The American People are hurting. What are leftists doing about it? They are doing more for foreign countries and illegal foreign nationals than they are for OUR country and its citizens.

Their answer for everything is Trump. What do the board bleaters constantly want to talk about? Trump. Bleaters are ignoring everything and talking about Trump, because they are stuck playing Follow The Leader. Or in laymen's terms for the board bleaters, "Baaaaaaaaa!"

Heck, I voted for Trump and would again, but I couldn't care less about him right now. These Socialists, right now, are destroying our country. We need to vote these socialists out of here.

What do we get from the left? Pedo-Joe getting ice cream, telling us everything is great. The majority leader and his ilk laughing and dancing. Leftists going from rags to riches, seemingly overnight.
for those who voted for Biden, do you consider your vote an extension of moral failure? And did you know ahead of time a vote for him was moral failure? Probably!

biden didn't win...

why blame the people ?

they can't help it they were used...

most won't even accept that fact...


so you voted for an immoral man while you masturbate to porn and all the while hopeful Trump succumbs to his legal battles. Yet inflation and suffering under you God continues. You are right there with Hitler, Stalin, and Hillary. Congrats!
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How were they able to estimat those numbers? There are far too many variables and unknowns to make assumptions across the board.

watch '2000 Mulles'...

TrueTheVote figured it out...
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so you voted for an immoral man while you masturbate to porn and all the while hopeful Trump succumbs to his legal battles. Yet inflation and suffering under you God continues. You are right there with Hitler, Stalin, and Hillary. Congrats!
Just imagine hating someone so much for standing up for your rights and protecting your freedoms that you wish that person was falsely prosecuted. It’s beyond ignorant. If I had my way, these libtards would be dumped off on the other side of our borders. Let the cartels run a train on their asses.
Just imagine hating someone so much for standing up for your rights and protecting your freedoms that you wish that person was falsely prosecuted. It’s beyond ignorant. If I had my way, these libtards would be dumped off on the other side of our borders. Let the cartels run a train on their asses.
and because, in part, he is white and rich.

Self hatred and envy will kill a man.
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In December 2019 we asked why no one was being indicted for the attempted Coup d’état of the Trump Presidency.

Today’s corrupt DOJ and FBI worked with the Hillary Clinton campaign to conjure up a lie that candidate and then President Trump was involved with Putin and Russia in some kind of clandestine partnership. There was no evidence of this. They made it up.

This was used against President Trump for years in an attempt to remove him from office. It was a lie and they knew it before the investigation began.
The investigation started without any crime being committed and with a scope that allowed Mueller to look at anything, both against the law. The team put together never would have been allowed in a real court of law because they were all Trump haters and former Hillary Clinton allies. The media never addressed this but then again, the media was part of the attempted coup! There are at least ten reasons why the Mueller coup was unconstitutional and illegal.
But the harassment never stopped. It only got worse and then it culminated with the stolen election and the fake Jan 6 riots that Democrats and RINOs celebrated. The Democrat seditionists labeled Americans who protested the stolen election “seditionists.”

Today another minor actor in the attempted Trump Coup d’état was found not guilty and walked free. Far-left CNN, which was a big part of promoting the coup, writes:
Igor Danchenko, the primary source for the infamous Trump-Russia dossier, was acquitted Tuesday of four counts of lying to the FBI in an embarrassing defeat for special counsel John Durham.

Durham has taken two cases to trial, and both have ended in acquittals. After more than three years looking for misconduct in the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe, Durham has only secured one conviction: the guilty plea of a low-level FBI lawyer, who got probation.
The jury returned not guilty verdicts on all charges against Danchenko, a Russian expat and think tank analyst who provided the bulk of the material for the anti-Trump dossier. Durham initially charged Danchenko with five counts of lying to the FBI, but a judge threw out one of the charges on Friday.

What this verdict shows is that the entire Trump coup has been completely covered up. There was enough evidence of crimes in the public realm to make indictments the day Durham took over his investigation.

Hillary’s emails were destroyed along with her phones. The Mueller gang then destroyed 31 phones when they were requested by the DOJ IG. Over 130 times the Mueller gang deviated from standard practices or committed crimes.

The DOJ and FBI are now completely transformed. They act more now like a communist regime’s law enforcement than ever before.

Durham’s results to date show that these justice department characters are more about injustice than anything.
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Just imagine hating someone so much for standing up for your rights and protecting your freedoms that you wish that person was falsely prosecuted. It’s beyond ignorant. If I had my way, these libtards would be dumped off on the other side of our borders. Let the cartels run a train on their asses.
I think as a reliable substitute, we need to make sure we all get to the polls and bring along as many as we can to vote these diabolical folks out of power. Leftists out of power is almost equal to death for most of them....they're so obsessed with amassing unchallenged raw political power.

Take it away from them, hopefully permanently.

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