Butch Jones ...

Extremely over rated. The only decent win they had last year was over Georgia (and I think Georgia was over rated last year).
That win last year over GA was due to Nick Chubb (GA RB who was their offense) blowing his knee out.

I think Tennessee played down to Appy State who should have beaten them. A fg kicker was the difference. The missed extra point in college football is just ridiculous. Come on.

Jones was the 2nd or 3rd choice for Tennessee. Strong was option 1 or 2 depending upon whether you believe the John Gruden talk. He's in trouble if he loses 2 out of 3 to Florida, Georgia, and Bama. I think he could drop all 3.

And last night Jones's offense was more 1D than ours used to be with bubble screens and the option veer. They had 1 pass deep down the field.
Butch Jones ain't over rated. He raking in the megabucks with his rating...............whatever it is. Ask ole Butch he over rated. Ask his banker if ole Butch is in over his head.