Brace yourselves... sports prognosticators


May 29, 2001
Ogden, Utah
will show us no mercy the rest of this season, even IF we win out the rest of the way.

Still not convinced this will be our only loss though with Texas in two weeks being another possible loss.
I must have posted my Joey Galloway thread just a few seconds before you posted this.
Let's just chalk it up to "Great minds work alike!"
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They can kiss my rosey arse.

My point being that the respect factor so many are clammoring for, has been tarnished this weekend. They plan to milk this for all it's worth.

Just want to say that even IF they won't show respect if we go 11-1, our fellow fans that rely upon it are going to have to ignore these fools.
will show us no mercy the rest of this season, even IF we win out the rest of the way.

Still not convinced this will be our only loss though with Texas in two weeks being another possible loss.
We didn't earn it nor do we deserve it. We lost in the same place that freaking team lost to Central Michigan (albeit wrongly but still). It was almost expected for us to lose, but for us to show up and continuously trip over our own damn feet and give them the game was flat out proof this team was overhyped and still can't take pressure situations in year 6 of this coaching regime.

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