
I have mixed emotions about this possibility. Stoops seems to have our number as it is the only Big XII team WVU hasn't beat. At the same time you have to figure Holgorsen would be on the short list as a Stoop's replacement.
Bosworth and Todd Marinovich were the two most overrated college players of their era. I don't think Stoops is worried about what a guy who is mainly famous for running around dressed and acting like cartoon character thinks of him.
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Brian Bosworth was a lot of things in college. Overrated????

Not at all in college. He may have been chemically enhanced (in addition to his mullet), but anybody with his stats in college was NOT overrated. He had an NFL career that was shortened due to injury (shoulders that were like that of a 60 yr old man), but he was unbelievable in college. His college career image over shadows what he was able to do on a football field.

Tell me any other LB who had 22 tackles vs the National champion Miami Hurricanes in a losing effort. That dude was unreal in college. He was a tackling machine. He dominated in games vs Nebraska, Colorado, and Texas. That's not overrated.

Todd Marinovich was a drug addict. He doped his talent away. Athletically that dude was a generation ahead of his time.

Overrated was David Klingler, Andre Ware, Heath Schuler, and all the PSU RBs that got drafted after Kurt Warner.
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Played throughout his career in the Big 2 against watered down competition juiced to the max and drugged to kill the shoulder pain. One game in a losing effort doesn't make a career.
