Board Leftists. Do you really want Clinton any more than we want Bush

orlando eer

Aug 26, 2002
as your partys nominee? Both seem like Force feeding dog food that the dogs would prefer not to partake of?
Not a Leftist, but will comment anyway - - The Righties must be really worried about Hilly as it seems that all of their candidates have been attacking her instead of their primary opponents. FWIW, I don't believe there is a "for the people" candidate in either party.
She is the ONLY Dem candidate. No other Dem stands a chance. The Dem primary will be a coronation.
The only comparison between the two is name recognition by a family member who has held the job. Jeb has no smut patrol team working 24/7. Hillary, on the other hand, is releasing some crap daily that they have to get in front of. She requires a department of several people seeking front page coverage of the reason something did or did not happen. Jeb is a member of my dream team of the last several years. The second member of the team, from Ohio(John Kasich, is beginning to get some traction.

Will the little fellow from Cleveland throw his name into a fight with Hill? Sounds better than Bernie Sanders.
The unwelcomed advertising may get too heavy and a few in the media may leak away. Haven't read NYT, but understand they are doing some factual reporting instead of being on the cheering squad. If they ever look at the mounting list of negatives, maybe..... .
This is what the whackos do.....

From now until election day, there will be a daily dose of complete horseshit disparaging everything she does and says.
Real worried, she managed to lose a 50 point lead to the chucklehead who is the current pres. She has the potential to implode. While she not, if I were a leftist i would feel more comfortable if there were others in the field who had the statue to win. I am not impressed by anything about her, her only assets are money which she will take indiscriminately from anyone and the Clinton. she has no real talant as a pol or candidate that I can discernt If she is the best the leftists have, I am fine with it.
Either side will take either one, but

.....the Left might have just as much fun hammering Jeb as the Right will hammering, well, anyone from the other side.

I myself would like to see a Republican to win in 2016 if for no other reason than to force you cement-heads to go back on defense again like when Dubya was in town; absolutely nothing worse for a Right-winger than to be forced to defend their guy on a day-after-day basis rather than play attack-dog. Of course, some of you......and you know how you are......will resort to pulling out the old Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton cards (as well as the newly printed Barack Obama cards) just for old-time sake to keep in practice.

BTW orlando.....and speaking of long will a Republican be in office before he starts implementing the BHO Doctrine of blaming his predecessor for everything ?? Assuming it begins during the Inaugural Address......will it happen in the second or third paragraph of the speech ???
The leading liberal outlet that would encourage other media sources, but doesn't look like she is willing to jump. NYT has been a bit vindictive. Jump or they will not support for later run.
Re: This is what the whackos do.....

I see you are such a strong fan of her as a candidate that you didn't bother to state as such. Instead you just attacked right wingers. Typical. All bluster and no substance. Thankfully, I've fallen into apathy towards that behavior after the last 6 years of failed leadership.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The whole socialist/communist wing of the party wants Warren. That has to be at least 70%. Not many moderates left.Hildebeast will meet her on the far left to keep her from entering the race if possible and to keep from being outflanked.
Re: Either side will take either one, but

I think most repubs including the one who becomes Pres will want to forget 0 and imagine the catastrophe never occured. The best job in the Administration will be the guy responsible for uncovering and getting rid of 0's executive orders one by one till they are all gone.
Re: the media must be whackos

It's ok. He's got a crush on Hildebeast. Defending her honor is a reflexive reponse.
Answer my question

I'm going to pretend I'm a Right-wing whack job for a moment.....
Hard question for him to answer as Obama blazed new ground when it

comes to passing the buck to the previous administration. GW, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, Carter.... None blamed the prior guy like Obama has blamed Bush. Can't blame him so doing so though. When you are elected on empty promises of "Hope" and "Change" and you have ZERO leadership qualities, it's an easy card to play.

So he needs a larger data set to develop a reasonable answer.

But if it's an election of Clinton v. Bush.... God help us all.
Spending that much time in politics takes the "people" out of them.

Now it's about electing the next IVy school lawyer.
Re: Answer my question

Certainly will link 0 to any dem nominee to any extent possible. Make it a continuation of 3rd 0 term. Ignore Bill, he was much more competent than Hillary has shown, only exception is if he gets caught taking more dirty money or self dealing off of Hillary potential presidency. Carter was a good comparison to O as far as incompetcy but does;t do much for attacking Hillary. HDR has many areas to go after that bringing up Carter is a distraction.

This post was edited on 3/6 11:18 AM by orlando eer
Re: Hard question for him to answer as Obama blazed new ground when it

The funny thing about obama blaming bush for the economy is that obamas most succesful economic policies were things started by bush and carried over. Namely tarp and quantitative easement.
his biggest foreign policy successes

Killing bin ladin and getting troops out of iraq.

When removing the troops became a political football he credited bush for that.
Re: Hard question for him to answer as Obama blazed new ground when it

Originally posted by dave:
The funny thing about obama blaming bush for the economy is that obamas most succesful economic policies were things started by bush and carried over. Namely tarp and quantitative easement.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). It was one of the main things that saved this country.
Re: Hard question for him to answer as Obama blazed new ground when it

Bush had more than one handout stimulus bills too. Just another continuation of bush economic policy.
This is what the whackos do.....

From now until election day, there will be a daily dose of complete horseshit disparaging everything she does and says.

You are a self-admitted whacko.