Board finally seems to be fed up with 'wvu has always been mediocre' excuses

Someone should tell the AD that continuity of mediocrity isn't a wise direction for the program
Compared to Marshall & Pitt, WVU is far superior. 24/7 Marshall trolls go through life just wanting to come close to being average.

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Again, when in doubt and have no reply with meaning....resort to the following:

1. Bring up Marshall
2. Bring up Pitt
3. Use them both together

You are pathetic.

Our idiot board may be infested with Marshall trolls and low information fans, but it can still be entertaining. Maybe not as entertaining as the following:


A little creepy.
Henry David Thoreau said that "most men live lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with that song still in them." I doubt that WV's 'mediocre' football legacy is a big factor in all of what Thoreau means with this statement. But..............the desperate.