Big Tobacco Finds Surprise Allies in Smokeless Push

I dipped Skoal when I was a teenage and up into my early 20s. Why? Because it's what people did where and when I grew up. In retrospect it was pretty dumb. You put a bunch of loose tobacco into your mouth (this is before they had little pouches like in the picture) and then every now and then when your mouth creates saliva you spit it out. Then after 20 minutes you take it out, getting it all over your hands in the process and leaving some on your teeth no matter how hard you try to get it all. Then an hour later you do it all again.

Tradition is where people do the same thing their ancestors did. But their ancestors may have done smart things or dumb things. So instead of just doing what your ancestors did it's a good idea to dispassionately assess whether what your ancestors did was smart or dumb. I'm going to put chewing tobacco into the dumb camp. This is even aside from the fact that it can yellow your teeth or give you cancer.
I dipped Skoal when I was a teenage and up into my early 20s. Why? Because it's what people did where and when I grew up. In retrospect it was pretty dumb. You put a bunch of loose tobacco into your mouth (this is before they had little pouches like in the picture) and then every now and then when your mouth creates saliva you spit it out. Then after 20 minutes you take it out, getting it all over your hands in the process and leaving some on your teeth no matter how hard you try to get it all. Then an hour later you do it all again.

Tradition is where people do the same thing their ancestors did. But their ancestors may have done smart things or dumb things. So instead of just doing what your ancestors did it's a good idea to dispassionately assess whether what your ancestors did was smart or dumb. I'm going to put chewing tobacco into the dumb camp. This is even aside from the fact that it can yellow your teeth or give you cancer.
I've been dipping Copenhagen snuff for going on 25 years. I don't get it all over my teeth, most people have no idea I'm doing it when I have one in and it's a hell of a lot more efficient than smoking. We recently went to a tobacco free campus and now it looks like we are being pocketed from people smoking on the sidewalk across the street. I can dip and still work.
I started in the USAF...

being in planes for hours at a time will do that especially when everyone there is already doing it...

and I stopped after I got out... and it wasn't easy...
Chewed skoal original from 1st grade until I was 34 , went to wolf pouches , cotex for midgets as my grandfather called them , because of heartburn & my dentist always say my gums & mouth is in great shape
I'm now 45