Biden to our enemies

The best response we can have to all the WH gaslighting about this guy is to turn out en masse this fall and send his poopy pants creepy ass packing. Make it a historic landslide defeat...worst than McGovern's ass kicking in '72 by Nixon, worse than Reagan's landslide ass whipping of Mondale in '84. Tell the creepy corpse in no uncertain terms we don't appreciate being lied to about someone who not only didn't legitimately win his Presidency, but never should have run in the first place!






If you folks don't get out there and vote, I can't fix this mess and then MAGA!!!!!

We got this're going to win and WIN BIG!!!!!!!
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Democrats are weighing whether to replace Biden ahead of the November election after a disastrous debate against Donald Trump.

A little less than two months from now, Democrats are set to convene in Chicago for the party’s national convention. Technically, Joe Biden is not the party’s candidate until he is officially nominated there. And, technically, there’s a high-key chaotic process by which members of the party could select a replacement. But, again, Biden would almost certainly first have to agree to step aside, he’s already won the number of delegates needed to mathematically clinch the nomination and he does not presently seem inclined to do so.

Bottom line it's to little to late for the liberal far left to change.
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