Bama, Moe, and Groomer_eer must have caught Joey's cold.

Walter Brennaneer

Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Meanwhile, Trump is kicking butt. If Supreme Court rules that POTUS has immunity the entire Democratic party will be a very tearful bunch.

Photo of Pelosi, Schumer, Squad and other liberals tomorrow evening. Groomer_eer is behind the windows cleaning up the feces - dude finally struck gold in his career.

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They're all such a feckless worthless collection of malcontents. They can't defend the guy they were all 100% ready to vote for pre-debate, so after he craps the bed they made for him, they just walk away in silence and leave him lying in his own sh*t.:rolleyes:

Loyalty is difficult to sustain when you're on the Left.
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They're all such a feckless worthless collection of malcontents. They can't defend the guy they were all 100% ready to vote for pre-debate, so after he craps the bed they made for him, they just walk away in silence and leave him lying in his own sh*t.:rolleyes:

Loyalty is difficult to sustain when you're on the Left.

LOL ain’t a one defending Sleepy Joe after that debacle.
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It's going to be interesting to see who they get to replace him and how will they handle Kamala Harris being booted to the curb. Perhaps they'll give her free pot for life.

Kamala Harris' camp is mad that Newsom and Whitmer are being floated as Biden replacements over the VP​

  • Kamala Harris' allies are frustrated with chatter about potential Biden replacements, Politico reported.
  • The allies feel that Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer are being mentioned more than the VP.
  • Harris has stood firmly behind Biden and defended the administration's record following his debate.
It's going to be interesting to see who they get to replace him and how will they handle Kamala Harris being booted to the curb. Perhaps they'll give her free pot for life.

Kamala Harris' camp is mad that Newsom and Whitmer are being floated as Biden replacements over the VP​

  • Kamala Harris' allies are frustrated with chatter about potential Biden replacements, Politico reported.
  • The allies feel that Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer are being mentioned more than the VP.
  • Harris has stood firmly behind Biden and defended the administration's record following his debate.
I think you've hit on THE conundrum Dems are facing bypassing Kamala "heels" Harris! They're already hemorrhaging black support, if they toss her to the curb like somebody's used "affirmative action" token, a lot of blacks will see what phonies they've been all along! She was only put on Biden's ticket as a token anyway, and they will then realize that for themselves and either vote for Trump or not at all!

I absolutely love it! 😍

Hey ya'll don't forget also...I wore that girl out!

Wille B would you pleeeese stop bragging how "high up" you had my heels that night? That's our business OK my boo???

Damn Kamala you sure weren't complaining while 'ol Willie was wearin' you out! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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I think you've hit on THE conundrum Dems are facing bypassing Kamala "heels" Harris! They're already hemorrhaging black support, if they toss her to the curb like somebody's used "affirmative action" token, a lot of blacks will see what phonies they've been all along! She was only put on Biden's ticket as a token anyway, and they will then realize that for themselves and either vote for Trump or not at all!

I absolutely love it! 😍

Hey ya'll don't forget also...I wore that girl out!

Wille B would you pleeeese stop bragging how "high up" you had my heels up that night? That's our business OK my boo???

Damn Kamala you sure weren't complaining while 'ol Willie was wearin' you out! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Kamala's reply:
Willie - I still love you and don't believe the rumors about 'Pete Butt-Alleged' hammering me silly.
Scott Adams

If you are Democrat who is waking up from to the gaslighting, your path to enlightenment looks like this. . .

1. What? Russian Collusion was a hoax??? Well, at least hoaxes are not common in politics.

2. What? Those 51 intelligence professionals all lied about Hunter's laptop? It was real??????

3. Why are CNN legal analysts saying no one but Trump would be charged with those alleged crimes? Is it all just lawfare???

4. Why do all the weird scare stories about Trump sound totally made up? How the hell would he steal my democracy? Were the J6 protesters minutes away from conquering the combined military might of the United States? What's going on here?

5. Holy shit, was the entire media landscape lying to me about Biden's mental acuity??????

You are here


You: At least I know Climate Change isn't totally made up. I mean, how could 97% of scientists be wrong?

Spoiler: Same way 97% of experts were wrong about key pandemic facts and 97% of journalists told you Biden is fine when you are not looking.

You: But at least we know the elections are not rigged. Right?

(I won't spoil the last one for you.)

They spied on his campaign

Framed him for “Russia collusion”

Pushed the Mueller Special Counsel

Impeached him for a phone call to Ukraine

Impeached him for telling Americans to “peacefully and patriotically” protest a rigged election

FBI raided his home

Changed a NY law to sue him

4 separate criminal indictments

And yet ALL of these baseless attacks have failed because Trump is not a criminal

He is a man of the people restoring power to people

The DC mafia hates that and they’re desperately trying to stop him

But nothing can stop what’s coming

We the People will take this country back and hold the true criminals accountable
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