Baltimore falling apart, ISIS threat inside the US

Heard a really good story about a police chief in Wisconsin. He talked about an incident where cops had chased down someone fleeing a burglary. They cuff him and get him in the back of the car. Guy starts complaining that he can't breath. The cops blow it off, and it's night so the cruiser is dark. The guy slumps over when he stops complaining. Cops check him out, can't get a pulse. The chief checks out the audio/video, and feels like the cops are vindicated. No punishment for them & he releases the tape. People were up in arms about it. He said that almost every arrest involves someone wanting to go anywhere but jail, so they get a ton of false alarms. He said they changed the policy after that tho. You say you need medical attention, they call an ambulance. He said that they had to take the judgement call out of the equation.
It's about time for another beer summit.
I live in Baltimore. Funny story.

They were going to march from the West Side to City Hall and planned a trip by Camden for the game.

Apparently, it was a little too far of a walk for them so they meandered a couple of blocks and then it broke up. Another group got in cars and just rode to city hall.

They were not welcomed very well at Camden (more accurately Sliders, Pickels, and Pratt St. Ale House). Heard they were getting a nice beer shower when the black lives matter chants started. They quickly broke up and left the area. There was a beer bottle thrown at an officer.

Also, one of the protesters though it a good idea to throw a rock in the Galleria mall windo and tried to loot. He was quickly arrested.

I've asked pretty much everyone I know about their thoughts on this. Even the most liberal of my friends are pissed off and basically just said "fukem".
I live in Baltimore. Funny story.

They were going to march from the West Side to City Hall and planned a trip by Camden for the game.

Apparently, it was a little too far of a walk for them so they meandered a couple of blocks and then it broke up. Another group got in cars and just rode to city hall.

They were not welcomed very well at Camden (more accurately Sliders, Pickels, and Pratt St. Ale House). Heard they were getting a nice beer shower when the black lives matter chants started. They quickly broke up and left the area. There was a beer bottle thrown at an officer.

Also, one of the protesters though it a good idea to throw a rock in the Galleria mall windo and tried to loot. He was quickly arrested.

I've asked pretty much everyone I know about their thoughts on this. Even the most liberal of my friends are pissed off and basically just said "fukem".

Dog, any calls in Baltimore for the resignation of the mayor and the firing of the police commissioner? I haven't seen any reports for those actions in the media like we saw in Ferguson.
Dog, any calls in Baltimore for the resignation of the mayor and the firing of the police commissioner? I haven't seen any reports for those actions in the media like we saw in Ferguson.

Are you kidding? Hahaha, they're both black, the Mayor is a woman to boot. The only people who would call for it would be labeled as racists.

Update to my earlier post. A lot of stuff has been getting canceled (Shock Trauma Galla is one), most of the local businesses downtown have told their employees they are authorized to work from home as able and to use caution if coming into the city.
Are you kidding? Hahaha, they're both black, the Mayor is a woman to boot. The only people who would call for it would be labeled as racists.

Update to my earlier post. A lot of stuff has been getting canceled (Shock Trauma Galla is one), most of the local businesses downtown have told their employees they are authorized to work from home as able and to use caution if coming into the city.

It's funny, years ago when Baltimore was experiencing a lot of crime,one area that was crime free was Little Italy. It was common knowledge the the residents and business's in Little Italy took "care" of any problems. I know that some "community activists" did not like that scenario. I don't know what it's like there today.
It's funny, years ago when Baltimore was experiencing a lot of crime,one area that was crime free was Little Italy. It was common knowledge the the residents and business's in Little Italy took "care" of any problems. I know that some "community activists" did not like that scenario. I don't know what it's like there today.
Honestly, it's as bad as what you think. Inner harbor, Canton, Fed Hill, Locust Point/McHenry area, Fells Point, and a couple of other areas are turning around because the hipsters are taking it back over. Good restaurants and cool bars. Couple of blocks beyond those areas and it starts getting bad. Couple of blocks beyond that and to be honest, I felt safer in parts of Iraq.
Does it look as bad as it does on TV

The rioting I mean
Talking is not going to work...time to kick some junk....Sady, but it needs to happen.

Cannot let criminals destroying property and threatening to kill police officers.

I fully expect to this to erupt into a war-zone tonight. If not stopped in Baltimore it will just morph across other cities. Time to stop the madness
Honestly, it's as bad as what you think. Inner harbor, Canton, Fed Hill, Locust Point/McHenry area, Fells Point, and a couple of other areas are turning around because the hipsters are taking it back over. Good restaurants and cool bars. Couple of blocks beyond those areas and it starts getting bad. Couple of blocks beyond that and to be honest, I felt safer in parts of Iraq.

I took my wife to Baltimore for the weekend a couple years ago. We stayed at a Kimpton Hotel (can't remember the name of it, but it wsa in the B&O building that had been renovated into a hotel) a couple of blocks from the Inner Harbor. We were coming back from the Inner Harbor one evening and wanted to pick up some wine for the room, so we stopped in a CVS. Of course you can't buy wine there because Maryland has that stupid law. So, we asked the guy working there where the closest liquor store was and he answered without looking up that it was a couple of blocks away. Then he looked at us and said "but ... you ... probably. don't. want. to. go. there."

It's amazing how quickly things turn bad in that area.
Talking is not going to work...time to kick some junk....Sady, but it needs to happen.

Cannot let criminals destroying property and threatening to kill police officers.

I fully expect to this to erupt into a war-zone tonight. If not stopped in Baltimore it will just morph across other cities. Time to stop the madness
If there were a few more like this mother, the riots would quickly die down.
Of all the cities I've visited in this world, Baltimore ranks as one of the highest where I feel less safe, and it drives me nuts that I can't protect myself once crossing the border into Maryland.

Father had heart surgery at Johns years ago. They rented one of the "townhouses" next to the hospital for my mother and us kids to stay out while he was there. We were told told by security at the hospital not to leave hospital grounds after dark, not to walk back to the house, which was literally about 100 yards from the gates on the East side of the hospital, unless we had security walk with us.

This past Winter, when my son had an appointment at Johns for his HSP, we stayed at a hotel about 2 blocks from the Inner Harbor. We decided to walk to dinner, got to watch two strung out White Trash addicts argue near the water, but after dinner hurried back to the hotel. My situational awareness was in overdrive the entire evening.
If there were a few more like this mother, the riots would quickly die down.
Baltimore is what it has been for the last 60 plus years. I lived close to Baltimore for many years and my work put me in Baltimore on an almost daily basis. Certain areas are off limits to many people. Don't ever believe that the Inner Harbor, Camden Yards, Fells Point and some other areas are representative of "Charm City". What happened last night was no surprise.
Looks like its close to Camden yards

I was just at pickles in March
The thing on Saturday was right at Pickles. There was some isolated stuff down by the harbor but what was mostly occurring last night was NW Baltimore. North Ave. is basically akin to a DMZ, I honestly would never have a reason or a desire to go there.