I was interested to know how they stack up in terms of turnovers forced and steals.
Opponent Turnovers per Possession
WVU #1 27.6%
Arkansas #20 21.8%
Louisville #25 21.4%
Team Steals per Possession
WVU #1 15.4%
Arkansas #51 10.6%
Louisville #19 11.8%
Personal Fouls per Possession
WVU #345 32.8%
Arkansas #133 26.2%
Louisville #117 26.0%Kentucky turned it over 18 times against Louisville including 10 steals.
Arkansas played them twice. First time they turned over Kentucky 9 times including 4 steals. Second time turned them over 13 times including 4 steals.
This post was edited on 3/25 5:46 PM by bw3eer
Opponent Turnovers per Possession
WVU #1 27.6%
Arkansas #20 21.8%
Louisville #25 21.4%
Team Steals per Possession
WVU #1 15.4%
Arkansas #51 10.6%
Louisville #19 11.8%
Personal Fouls per Possession
WVU #345 32.8%
Arkansas #133 26.2%
Louisville #117 26.0%Kentucky turned it over 18 times against Louisville including 10 steals.
Arkansas played them twice. First time they turned over Kentucky 9 times including 4 steals. Second time turned them over 13 times including 4 steals.
This post was edited on 3/25 5:46 PM by bw3eer