Appealing a WV Parkways Authority Toll Violation Notice

Blackberry Smoke

Gold Member
Feb 15, 2008
West Virginia
So I get home Friday and find a nice little letter from WV Parkways Authority telling me I owe them $14.25 for not paying a toll on the WV Turnpike. They have my license plate picture and everything. The only problem is I did pay the toll. I don't have an EZ Pass and so I went through the booth with an agent present. Gave the lady five bucks, she gave me 75 cents back in change, asked me if I needed a receipt (I said "No".....wish I had that back now) and said have a nice day and I started to roll away. The light seemed to blink but it never turned green. I stopped and waited but it never turned green so I just eventually left. And so now I get this letter saying I ran the booth.

You cannot get through to them on the phone. Their website says to "call them" and they will tell you how to appeal the violation. But you can't get through, the average wait time is over an hour.

So have any of you ever tried to appeal one of these things?