An inconvenient truth about global warming

How can you call anything the truth on this subject especially when it's based on a model? Both arguments rely on models but one group says that their model is better than the other model. Ok. I know that you love to talk about this but forgive me if I don't take this article as the final word on anything.
Are people so foolish to believe the message is steeped in benevolence?

There's always a fiscal angle behind every push and in some cases, one that seeks additional dominion.

If preservation of life were truly of the utmost importance to the global warming conglomerate, then I'd doubt that 70 billion people across the world would sit back and watch young children crucified, people burned, and innocent people beheaded.

This post was edited on 2/23 12:48 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
The title of my post is a tongue in cheek jab at Gore. The larger point is that we should not spend trillions on some unproven theories. Much, much more analysis must be done on this "settled science."
Re: Are people so foolish to believe the message is steeped in benevolence?

You're definitely on the right board. Linking people concerned about the possibility of global warming with being money motivated and unconcerned with ISIS's brutal activities, particularly the last one, well done. Surely you can think of other things that they're guilty of. Have you met MountainBill, WVPATX and others? Let's go with 7 billion though.
Sounds like you're into deflection, Wonder Woman.

If the issue truly was about life, then life would be defended in EVERY capacity and in real-time as it happens rather than what could happen 10-50-100 years from now.

It exposes the entire argument (we're gung-ho for life's preservation) as shallow and insincere. Then again, it's not something people didn't already know.

This post was edited on 2/23 1:15 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Re: Sounds like you're into deflection, Wonder Woman.

Sooooo, if a climate scientist or other normal world citizen who's leaning towards a global warming conclusion isn't making public statements (or signing up for anti-ISIS military duty) condemning ISIS, not only are they just doing it for potential monetary gains but they do not care about any life form. Sounds reasonable to me and I do like the global warming/ISIS linkage, you're showing some creativity there. No question, you can go nutty post to nutty post with any of these guys. Throw in some name calling in the subject line and you've got some serious potential but you must prove it over time.
Seems pretty simple to me.

If your mission is indeed benevolent and you care so much about what will happen to our species 50 years from now, you pretty much would care what happened to that same species 5 weeks ago.
Re: Seems pretty simple to me.

You're implying that they don't care. Why would you say that? Can you provide proof that people concerned about the climate don't care about the ISIS attrocities?
Kudos ........... it only took you 3 attempts.

That's not only what I am saying, but that's what common sense conveys.

It's additionally pertinent because we have been told that this bowl of global fruits & nuts is a bigger threat than the current genocide (and source of such) that is now accelerating at an alarming pace ............ an absurdity that is like preemptively excising gonads because you're afraid of getting kicked in the nuts.
Re: Kudos ........... it only took you 3 attempts.

Okey dokey
Re: Are people so foolish to believe the message is steeped in benevolence?

he used big words and confused you. Admit it.
hard to take anyone seriously when they are linking that trash

Daily kos hating the koch brothers. That says all ineed to know about you simpleton.
OOOOOOOOOO, those evil Koch brothers

It all makes sense now. Seriously, dailykos is your source? I'm pulling an op card here, this one doesn't count.
Re: OOOOOOOOOO, those evil Koch brothers

Libtards exist every day using goods provided by the koch brothers and never realize it. Ignorance is bliss.
Re: OOOOOOOOOO, those evil Koch brothers

As long as abortion is legal in this country, I don't want to hear about fighting "global warming" or "climate change" in order to preserve our species. Yeah, these jokers value life so much that they turn a blind eye to the murdering of millions of our own innocent species every year legally (over 55 million since 1973). Tell me how this country values life more than ISIS again? The quacks supporting this environmentalist agenda only care about one thing and on thing only - control. More control of resources, more control of people.
If women truly cared about other women's wombs

They'd stop ISIS from raping little girls.