Alright whack-jobs, chew on THIS one this weekend


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2001
Particularly, get a load of the goofy "source" for the story; oughta' give each of you at least a half-dozen or so more reasons to despise HRC and everyone/everything who supports here. Then again.....the more I think about it.....I'm not sure it's any sillier than some of the places from where you guys get your material on a daily basis.

This post was edited on 4/10 12:18 PM by COOL MAN

Maybe we'll get some campaign finance reform

Let's put limits on all political contributions.
I got lost in those beautiful eyes. Younger voters may not realize it now..

..but when you're old enough to understand, you'll realize, 'Mom was right.' Not only that, think how smokin' hot she'll be after some good old presidential seasoning.
Nice thought, but that ship has sailed and has been torpedoed and sunk

George Will railed against McCain-Feingold as unconstitutionally putting limits on political "speech" -- the principle that money talks -- until the Citizens United decision killed it once and for all.

And no doubt the ultra-rightists will rail against the unfettered fund-raising ability of Hillary, completely missing the irony in their reaping exactly what they sowed.
Hillary Looks Great

When compared to her immediate predecessor.

Just seven years ago, I was championing ABH(anybody but Hillary). Lessons are plentiful, but I didn't realize they were this expensive.
That will take a Constitutional Amendment at this point ...

I don't think we'll see that happen any time soon, although I would bet that a majority of Americans are for it.
how about citizen intelligence reform?

Campaign finance would be an issue if people would think for themselves instead of believing the spin.
They were speaking of the Clintons

Masters of working outside the laws.