Alaska’s glaciers are now losing 75 billion tons of ice every year

You do realize that the stats are from 1994-2003. Might want to check which party was governing the White House during this "debacle."

BTW, I don't favor either party so just pointing out an observation.
The Pope and Rachel have me worked up? Lol, no, but the right is all over it!

Who said The Pope and Rachel had YOU worked up? I know you love to play "follow the leader"....... Sad, really Sad....
You do realize that the stats are from 1994-2003. Might want to check which party was governing the White House during this "debacle."

BTW, I don't favor either party so just pointing out an observation.

You can't say that here. Wait and see what happens when you side with one side or hte other on a specific issue.