After 50+ years of Democrat rule, Baltimore... not one student in all 23 public schools can do math at grade level... most cannot read at grade level.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

Baltimore has had a Democratic mayor since 1967.

After 50+ years of Democrat rule,
not one student in all 23 public schools can do math at grade level,
most cannot read at grade level.

Baltimore spends 23,317 per student.

Take that and apply it across the board and ask yourself

why anyone would continue to vote for this.
Yet 100% of every worthless Democrat running that lousy school system opposes school choice vouchers! :mad:

Anyone who still has kids in public schools run by Democrats should be arrested for child abuse.
You will never read any mind numbed Leftists on this forum defending this sorry record. However, I will 100% gurantee not one of them will ever vote for school choice vouchers for those poor Black parents who's kids are trapped in those destitute schools. They'd rather just accept the failing results, even though they will never defend their poor performance.

Tell me what's more "racist" than that? 🤔