730,000 ballots have NO signature match in Maricopa County... TRUMP WON ARIZONA in 2020


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

2020 wasn’t an election.​

It was a cover up for the BIG LIE.​

This is the Arizona chapter.​

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What's so frustrating is nothing ever comes of any of this. We know Democrats in Arizona cheated. We have the evidence. Why is no one being prosecuted? Why hasn't Katie Hobbs been recalled? Why do we let them get away with such blatant disregard for the Law?
No evidence of fraud. Everyone can see this audit is fake. 🙄
Just damn 82! Still, no one is being indicted, no one is being prosecuted and Katie Hobbs is still Governor because no one is demanding her to be recalled!

Why not? :mad:
Nothing will happen
Webe****ed...sad part Democrats who don't see it will be getting the same ...
There are no factual rebuttals from our media mind numbed bots on the Left to any of the facts @WVU82 has posted in this thread. There has been no call from any of them to even investigate any of this and expose what they all claim is "fake news". You're also correct, unfortunately nothing will be done about any of this blatant disregard of the Law, and outright criminal violations of it!

But 'ya know what else @roadtrasheer? We still get the final say over this when we go to vote. Yes they can cheat, lie, not investigate, even not indict...they can do all of that. But WE THE PEOPLE still get to choose who gets to represent us, and WE THE PEOPLE can get rid of each and every one of those scoundrels who have so little respect for the integrity of one man one vote.

We get who we vote for.
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Thanks for posting @WVU82 . Everything you've put up in this thread is just more proof that Dems can't win unless they cheat, and they cheat every time they win. It's sad our sycophant media isn't the least bit interested in tracking down any of this, but they willingly promote the idea that these elections have "no evidence of widespread voter fraud" :rolleyes:

Makes one wonder what they consider "widespread"? Equally disappointing is the reaction from our media mind numbed bots on the Left of this forum, who regularly castigate you for simply posting facts the media mind controllers they listen to refuse to report. They come on here yelling "fake news" but they are strangely silent factually refuting any of what they disparage.

Rest assured Truth always wins out. Thank You so much for all you do keeping us informed, turning the light on these roaches, and exposing the Democrat party for the scofflaws they all are. Hopefully we get it right in '24, and send these scoundrels packing once and for all.
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Reactions: roadtrasheer
Thanks for posting @WVU82 . Everything you've put up in this thread is just more proof that Dems can't win unless they cheat, and they cheat every time they win. It's sad our sycophant media isn't the least bit interested in tracking down any of this, but they willingly promote the idea that these elections have "no evidence of widespread voter fraud" :rolleyes:

Makes one wonder what they consider "widespread"? Equally disappointing is the reaction from our media mind numbed bots on the Left of this forum, who regularly castigate you for simply posting facts the media mind controllers they listen to refuse to report. They come on here yelling "fake news" but they are strangely silent factually refuting any of what they disparage.

Rest assured Truth always wins out. Thank You so much for all you do keeping us informed, turning the light on these roaches, and exposing the Democrat party for the scofflaws they all are. Hopefully we get it right in '24, and send these scoundrels packing once and for all.
The msm is owned by our enemy ( China) and they employ those who hate us or is easily fooled .
When we as a country started doing business with communist and socialists countries, selling our land and business to them we sold out for greed ..... pretty simple really.
The msm is owned by our enemy ( China) and they employ those who hate us or is easily fooled .
When we as a country started doing business with communist and socialists countries, selling our land and business to them we sold out for greed ..... pretty simple really.
Thank God for a free alternative media. The MSM just as you said has completely "sold out" and I honestly consider them the "enemy of the people". Remember someone who once said that?

I do!

Yes DJT, you surely did.
Thank God for a free alternative media. The MSM just as you said has completely "sold out" and I honestly consider them the "enemy of the people". Remember someone who once said that?

I do!

Yes DJT, you surely did.
A free media who don't speak the truth against power is definitely a enemy of the people. We have a free media who has been paid for by our enemies. If they all say the exact same things about the exact same subjects than 1 person is writing the story .... all word salads. If COVID-19 didn't show this than nothing will.