6 Secrets of Ivermectin: The Medication That Keeps on Giving


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

#1 - It inhibits flu and RSV viral replication, which is why it’s included in the FLCCC flu and RSV protocols.

#2 - It reduces inflammation throughout the body.

#3 - Improves the gastrointestinal microbiome by boosting levels of the probiotic Bifidobacterium.

#4 - It revolutionized veterinary medicine and arguably stabilized the world’s food supply.

#5 - May help with athletic and sports performance by boosting cellular energy output in the heart.

#6 - It has profound anti-cancer properties.

Best of all, Ivermectin is incredibly safe and cheap.

When you compare Molnupiravir and Ivermectin head-to-head in the context of COVID-19, you can see what a disgraceful, overpriced stink-bomb Molnupiravir actually is:

Ivermectin: 62% improvement, 99 studies, $1 per pill

Merck’s Show Pony: 15% improvement, 34 studies, $707 per pill

This information was gathered from an article written by

(give him a follow).

#1 - It inhibits flu and RSV viral replication, which is why it’s included in the FLCCC flu and RSV protocols.

#2 - It reduces inflammation throughout the body.

#3 - Improves the gastrointestinal microbiome by boosting levels of the probiotic Bifidobacterium.

#4 - It revolutionized veterinary medicine and arguably stabilized the world’s food supply.

#5 - May help with athletic and sports performance by boosting cellular energy output in the heart.

#6 - It has profound anti-cancer properties.

Best of all, Ivermectin is incredibly safe and cheap.

When you compare Molnupiravir and Ivermectin head-to-head in the context of COVID-19, you can see what a disgraceful, overpriced stink-bomb Molnupiravir actually is:

Ivermectin: 62% improvement, 99 studies, $1 per pill

Merck’s Show Pony: 15% improvement, 34 studies, $707 per pill

This information was gathered from an article written by

(give him a follow).

The absolute heart breaking part of this is they knew all a long .

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