6.5 million active SSN's to people over 112 yo

Here's what amazes me

I just don't understand the thinking of advocates of big government. Big government will, necessarily, take away American's freedoms. Slowly but surely. Big government is necessarily inefficient and wasteful. Big government is necessarily a huge contributor to our huge debt load. Big government is necessarily corrupt. Many politicians go to office with no money and almost all leave as multi millionaires. Our founders understood. They created a constitutional republic where most of the power would remain in the states except for those clearly enumerated. We are far, far removed from that vision and are poorer for it.

By the way, opposition to big government does not mean we should have no government.
This post was edited on 3/9 12:51 PM by WVPATX
Incredible medical advancements

People are living longer and longer. I'd like to talk to somebody about their memories of the Civil War
Re: Here's what amazes me

There are a lot of people that agree with you on that but still vote Democrat because of the GOP social conservative, anti-science, homophobic etc stuff. It's a "lesser of two evils" thing.
Re: Here's what amazes me

We had a great guide(Constitution) to be specific what the central government was to provide. Then we provided a means to correct the shortcomings. Then power seeking people sought and bought power thru an expanded government. It became a bidding war as to who could give themost. The elected politicians began giving things and stuff that were not theirs to give. Voters sold their country to gain small advantages.

We fight wars to keep outsiders from gaining power over our country, and give the country away internally via party politics.
Re: Here's what amazes me

so you are willing to turn the other cheek on this because another person doesn't agree with you to have a penis put in their anus or think humans can't cool down the middle east during the summer time? Amazing logic there.
Re: Here's what amazes me

You mean like the anti science people that want to ban fracking? Or the anti science people that don't believe an unborn baby is human? Or the anti science people that want to eliminate debate on global warming? That stuff goes both ways it just depends on whose ox is being gored.

As for homophobic, being against gay marriage is not homophobic no matter what liberals say. To shut down discussion, liberals always resort to the bigot card.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by WVPATX:
You mean like the anti science people that want to ban fracking? Or the anti science people that don't believe an unborn baby is human? Or the anti science people that want to eliminate debate on global warming? That stuff goes both ways it just depends on whose ox is being gored.

As for homophobic, being against gay marriage is not homophobic no matter what liberals say. To shut down discussion, liberals always resort to the bigot card.
Or to tie the two together the anti-science people that insist "they're born that way" despite the entire genome being mapped without a "gay" gene.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WVPATX:
You mean like the anti science people that want to ban fracking? Or the anti science people that don't believe an unborn baby is human? Or the anti science people that want to eliminate debate on global warming? That stuff goes both ways it just depends on whose ox is being gored.

As for homophobic, being against gay marriage is not homophobic no matter what liberals say. To shut down discussion, liberals always resort to the bigot card.
Or to tie the two together the anti-science people that insist "they're born that way" despite the entire genome being mapped without a "gay" gene.
Is it possible the entire genome isn't mapped? There could be something that as of now hasn't been discovered.

There was a kid in my hometown that was obviously gay from the time we were 7-8 years old, before anybody even had any sexual urges and barely even any awareness.
Re: Here's what amazes me

At times I think gays are born that way and at other times I have questions. I still can't explain bi-sexuality. I can't explain why the "gay gene" has not been discovered. On the other hand, one twin is gay and the other straight. Same environment, same parents.

But to equate opposition to changing the definition of marriage to bigotry is appalling.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by WVPATX:
At times I think gays are born that way and at other times I have questions. I still can't explain bi-sexuality. I can't explain why the "gay gene" has not been discovered. On the other hand, one twin is gay and the other straight. Same environment, same parents.

But to equate opposition to changing the definition of marriage to bigotry is appalling.
Maybe some are and some aren't. There have been cases where people have gravitated to being gay because of sexual abuse when they were younger.

I don't like the equation of bigotry to the issue, but I do find it somewhat hypocritical the stance that the right takes. They point to the bible, but the bible also says that if a divorced woman remarries that it's adultery and adultery is a sin, but I don't see anybody up in arms trying to block people from 2nd marriages.

Also, the constitution grants equal rights for all. People have no issue with a convicted murderer on death row getting married, but take issue with committed loving adults that have never even had a parking ticket.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:
Is it possible the entire genome isn't mapped? There could be something that as of now hasn't been discovered.
Impossible. Science has spoken. Praise to Obama the science president.
Re: Here's what amazes me

I'll actually give you the science thing. IMO the right is considerably worse on science but the left does have issues on it too, such as some thinking fracking is evil and also the "Nature is God" thing that manifests in some anti-scientific ways, such as demonizing GM foods. And on top of that not a lot of people are picking their political party on science views anyway. So I probably should have skipped that.

But the "Anything that's not white, Christian and heterosexual" vibe comes through clearly. Below in the thread about the frat guys racist chant at OU and also about how the South outside some cities is still backwards on race. Those are all solidly red parts of the country. And it's not surprising to anyone. And being simply against gay marriage is one thing but of course many in the GOP take it way beyond that.

Basically, being nasty to strangers for no good reason is going out of style and the GOP tolerates way too much of it. The Democrats have their share too but way less than the GOP. If the GOP would just focus on the small government aspects as in your original post a lot of people that vote Democrat would switch over.
Re: Here's what amazes me

We can debate these issues, but the left wants to stop debate and uses the bigotry card.

The left points to the bible when they think it serves their purpose as does the right. Neither side is pure and altruistic. Whether you agree with them or not, many Christians, Jews and Muslims disagree with gay marriage out of religious convictions. And it is a certainty that the founding fathers would never have envisioned or countenanced the thought of gay marriage. I could very rationally argue that changing the definition of marriage will mean that poligamy and inter-family marriages must also be protected.
There's a slight difference between the two

A second marriage doesn't change what I have to deal with in trying to tell my youth class why Christianity has a contrasting definition to marriage than what our country does.

Marriage should not be a word used in law. Problem settled.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:
Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WVPATX:
You mean like the anti science people that want to ban fracking? Or the anti science people that don't believe an unborn baby is human? Or the anti science people that want to eliminate debate on global warming? That stuff goes both ways it just depends on whose ox is being gored.

As for homophobic, being against gay marriage is not homophobic no matter what liberals say. To shut down discussion, liberals always resort to the bigot card.
Or to tie the two together the anti-science people that insist "they're born that way" despite the entire genome being mapped without a "gay" gene.
Is it possible the entire genome isn't mapped? There could be something that as of now hasn't been discovered.

There was a kid in my hometown that was obviously gay from the time we were 7-8 years old, before anybody even had any sexual urges and barely even any awareness.
How was it obvious? Was he sending notes to Sam and Dean with the "Check this box if 'yes'; check this box if 'no'?
Re: Here's what amazes me

I lived in Pittsburgh for many years and racism was amply apparent. I now live in the South and have encountered far fewer racists. And I would argue that Dems are reflexively anti religious. They dismiss deeply held religious beliefs because they do not square with their secularism.

Many of society ills can be directly traced to liberal orthodoxy. The sexual revolution has helped to lead to vast out of wedlock births and the resultant decay of the family leading to crime, poverty and very high drop out rates. We have spent trillions on poverty and yet poverty is at an all time high and we keep pouring money down that rat hole. Multi-culturalism is destroying Europe and will soon destroy the U.S. unless we put a stop to that nonsense. I believe both liberals and conservatives are compassionate but differ starkly on how to help those in need.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WVPATX:
You mean like the anti science people that want to ban fracking? Or the anti science people that don't believe an unborn baby is human? Or the anti science people that want to eliminate debate on global warming? That stuff goes both ways it just depends on whose ox is being gored.

As for homophobic, being against gay marriage is not homophobic no matter what liberals say. To shut down discussion, liberals always resort to the bigot card.
Or to tie the two together the anti-science people that insist "they're born that way" despite the entire genome being mapped without a "gay" gene.
Is it possible the entire genome isn't mapped? There could be something that as of now hasn't been discovered.

There was a kid in my hometown that was obviously gay from the time we were 7-8 years old, before anybody even had any sexual urges and barely even any awareness.
How was it obvious? Was he sending notes to Sam and Dean with the "Check this box if 'yes'; check this box if 'no'?
He had extremely feminine mannerisms. I was a kid, so I was at the pool, and all the little girls would jump off the diving boards and do splits and different cheerleading types of movements, and that's what he did. He had a feminine walk, etc. etc.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:
Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WVPATX:
You mean like the anti science people that want to ban fracking? Or the anti science people that don't believe an unborn baby is human? Or the anti science people that want to eliminate debate on global warming? That stuff goes both ways it just depends on whose ox is being gored.

As for homophobic, being against gay marriage is not homophobic no matter what liberals say. To shut down discussion, liberals always resort to the bigot card.
Or to tie the two together the anti-science people that insist "they're born that way" despite the entire genome being mapped without a "gay" gene.
Is it possible the entire genome isn't mapped? There could be something that as of now hasn't been discovered.

There was a kid in my hometown that was obviously gay from the time we were 7-8 years old, before anybody even had any sexual urges and barely even any awareness.
How was it obvious? Was he sending notes to Sam and Dean with the "Check this box if 'yes'; check this box if 'no'?
He had extremely feminine mannerisms. I was a kid, so I was at the pool, and all the little girls would jump off the diving boards and do splits and different cheerleading types of movements, and that's what he did. He had a feminine walk, etc. etc.
So you think because a male has stereotypical feminine mannerisms and habits that means he is gay?
glad some much effort went into "fixing" healthcare and the internet

good grief...anyone have an idea how much money has been fraudulantly been stolen over the last 50 or 60 years? Who is receiving all these benefits?
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WVPATX:
You mean like the anti science people that want to ban fracking? Or the anti science people that don't believe an unborn baby is human? Or the anti science people that want to eliminate debate on global warming? That stuff goes both ways it just depends on whose ox is being gored.

As for homophobic, being against gay marriage is not homophobic no matter what liberals say. To shut down discussion, liberals always resort to the bigot card.
Or to tie the two together the anti-science people that insist "they're born that way" despite the entire genome being mapped without a "gay" gene.
Is it possible the entire genome isn't mapped? There could be something that as of now hasn't been discovered.

There was a kid in my hometown that was obviously gay from the time we were 7-8 years old, before anybody even had any sexual urges and barely even any awareness.
How was it obvious? Was he sending notes to Sam and Dean with the "Check this box if 'yes'; check this box if 'no'?
He had extremely feminine mannerisms. I was a kid, so I was at the pool, and all the little girls would jump off the diving boards and do splits and different cheerleading types of movements, and that's what he did. He had a feminine walk, etc. etc.
So you think because a male has stereotypical feminine mannerisms and habits that means he is gay?
What percentage of the time would you guess that this is not the case? Combine that with the fact that when he grew up he actually was gay, I'm pretty sure he was gay. Good grief.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by WVPATX:
We can debate these issues, but the left wants to stop debate and uses the bigotry card.

The left points to the bible when they think it serves their purpose as does the right. Neither side is pure and altruistic. Whether you agree with them or not, many Christians, Jews and Muslims disagree with gay marriage out of religious convictions. And it is a certainty that the founding fathers would never have envisioned or countenanced the thought of gay marriage. I could very rationally argue that changing the definition of marriage will mean that poligamy and inter-family marriages must also be protected.
Honestly. Why does anyone really care at this point? They wanna be gay? Awesome, more power to them. Suck all the cock you can get I say. Doesn't affect me one way or the other. Who cares if they want to be married? How does that affect you? Christians abandoned marriage a long time ago and with divorce rates north of 50% in Christians any claims to try and keep it religious in nature is just cloaking their bigotry towards gays in religion. The dumbest position my party has ever taken on something and it sickens me when I hear people try to rationalize the oppression of people.
Re: Incredible medical advancements

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:
People are living longer and longer. I'd like to talk to somebody about their memories of the Civil War
It's possible, although it will have to be second hand -- there are 35 children of Civil War veterans still living. The last veteran died in 1959.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:

Originally posted by WVPATX:
We can debate these issues, but the left wants to stop debate and uses the bigotry card.

The left points to the bible when they think it serves their purpose as does the right. Neither side is pure and altruistic. Whether you agree with them or not, many Christians, Jews and Muslims disagree with gay marriage out of religious convictions. And it is a certainty that the founding fathers would never have envisioned or countenanced the thought of gay marriage. I could very rationally argue that changing the definition of marriage will mean that poligamy and inter-family marriages must also be protected.
Why does anyone really care at this point?
Doesn't affect me one way or the other.
Who cares if they want to be married? How does that affect you?
It sickens me when I hear people try to rationalize the oppression of people.
Pretty much my stance exactly. Having worked with gay people that have been in long committed relationships, I've never seen how their relationship has anything at all to do with me.

I definitely don't think that gay couples should try to make churches or pastors marry them. That would be an infringement on their religious rights, but I don't see why they can't get married at the courthouse. There are a lot of legal things that come with being married that they are currently being denied.
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:
Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WVPATX:
You mean like the anti science people that want to ban fracking? Or the anti science people that don't believe an unborn baby is human? Or the anti science people that want to eliminate debate on global warming? That stuff goes both ways it just depends on whose ox is being gored.

As for homophobic, being against gay marriage is not homophobic no matter what liberals say. To shut down discussion, liberals always resort to the bigot card.
Or to tie the two together the anti-science people that insist "they're born that way" despite the entire genome being mapped without a "gay" gene.
Is it possible the entire genome isn't mapped? There could be something that as of now hasn't been discovered.

There was a kid in my hometown that was obviously gay from the time we were 7-8 years old, before anybody even had any sexual urges and barely even any awareness.
How was it obvious? Was he sending notes to Sam and Dean with the "Check this box if 'yes'; check this box if 'no'?
He had extremely feminine mannerisms. I was a kid, so I was at the pool, and all the little girls would jump off the diving boards and do splits and different cheerleading types of movements, and that's what he did. He had a feminine walk, etc. etc.
So you think because a male has stereotypical feminine mannerisms and habits that means he is gay?
What percentage of the time would you guess that this is not the case? Combine that with the fact that when he grew up he actually was gay, I'm pretty sure he was gay. Good grief.
So effeminate men are likely gay. Does this mean if a men who are not particularly effeminate will not be gay? Also does this mean stereotypical masculine women are likely gay while women who are not masculine will not be gay?

Or could it be--even at the age of 7 or 8 before a person develops sexuality---that child could be told he's gay over and over by peers and other, convincing him he is gay?
Re: Here's what amazes me

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by CAJUNEER:

Originally posted by WVPATX:
You mean like the anti science people that want to ban fracking? Or the anti science people that don't believe an unborn baby is human? Or the anti science people that want to eliminate debate on global warming? That stuff goes both ways it just depends on whose ox is being gored.

As for homophobic, being against gay marriage is not homophobic no matter what liberals say. To shut down discussion, liberals always resort to the bigot card.
Or to tie the two together the anti-science people that insist "they're born that way" despite the entire genome being mapped without a "gay" gene.
Is it possible the entire genome isn't mapped? There could be something that as of now hasn't been discovered.

There was a kid in my hometown that was obviously gay from the time we were 7-8 years old, before anybody even had any sexual urges and barely even any awareness.
How was it obvious? Was he sending notes to Sam and Dean with the "Check this box if 'yes'; check this box if 'no'?
He had extremely feminine mannerisms. I was a kid, so I was at the pool, and all the little girls would jump off the diving boards and do splits and different cheerleading types of movements, and that's what he did. He had a feminine walk, etc. etc.
So you think because a male has stereotypical feminine mannerisms and habits that means he is gay?
What percentage of the time would you guess that this is not the case? Combine that with the fact that when he grew up he actually was gay, I'm pretty sure he was gay. Good grief.
So effeminate men are likely gay. Does this mean if a men who are not particularly effeminate will not be gay? Also does this mean stereotypical masculine women are likely gay while women who are not masculine will not be gay?

Or could it be--even at the age of 7 or 8 before a person develops sexuality---that child could be told he's gay over and over by peers and other, convincing him he is gay?

No, I think what made him gay was his preference for dick
Re: Here's what amazes me

I don't think it matters if they are born gay or simply want to be gay. Why does anyone care for that matter? It's a non-issue.