5. Trump supporters aren't going anywhere.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
It appears Trump supporters are just as on board as they were during the campaign. His support among Republicans matches the third-highest approval among a president's own party during a new president's first six months in more than 60 years, according to Gallup. Plus, 75% of people living in counties that fuel Trump's base approve of his bargaining with Carrier and General Motors to keep jobs in the US, according to a NBC/WSJ poll from Tuesday. What do a majority Trump supporters dislike? His use of Twitter.

Five poll numbers that should make Democrats uneasy

not like you idiots watch anything else...

brainwashed hypocrites...
Personally, I don't watch my news. I read articles from CNN, as well as FOX, the Guardian, Reuters, NPR, WSJ, Time, Business Insider, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, among others.....

I think there is hypocracy to your blinded faith and loyalty to Trump masquerading as patriotism. At least be open to the possibility that Trump is attempting to gain Putin-like control of a large chunk of the world by using Putin's tactics and aid.
Oh, so you are saying you want a police state then? Gotcha!

No dipshit, as I have said innumerable times on here, I want a separate state. Let you socialist buffoons have a go at it and when you fail, as all socialist states eventually do, we'll reclaim the land and make you second class citizens.
No dipshit, as I have said innumerable times on here, I want a separate state. Let you socialist buffoons have a go at it and when you fail, as all socialist states eventually do, we'll reclaim the land and make you second class citizens.

Then MOVE.........[thumbsup] You want to live in a society where there is one party, media is controlled by the government, and the citizens cannot think or protest........Brushydumbass, that's called a dictatorship or totalitarian state......[laughing][laughing]

And let me add, you are a traitor for wanting to'll get what's deserving for traitors. :americanflag:
By reducing the size of government, by your logic he's trying to take over the world?
I'm concerned with his similar strategy of discrediting the media, staunch nationalism, and attempts to undermine activism....which could put him in a position to corner financial power
MWV with lies and threats. I guess he doesn't realize that we're prepared for both.

During Trump's Russia "scandal", his approval rating has dropped as low as 36%........When President Clinton was being investigated and admitted to his Lewinsky scandal, his rating spiked to 73%......
