3 billion in unauthorized subsidies by Treasury to insurance companies


Heisman Winner
Dec 15, 2002
The executive branch is out of control.

This post was edited on 2/26 12:34 PM by TarHeelEer
Too big to fail. Insurance companies are being funded because the model upon which Obamacare was built turned out to be wrong. They had far fewer young people and far more old and sick people sign up than the models predicted. Thus the bailout.
Originally posted by WVPATX:
Too big to fail. Insurance companies are being funded because the model upon which Obamacare was built turned out to be wrong. They had far fewer young people and far more old and sick people sign up than the models predicted. Thus the bailout.
Basically what every opponent to the measure claimed would happen.
Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for those mean and rich insurance companies that the Obamacare crowd railed against. Did anything that group was preaching come true?
You were only assured of $2500

Gonna put the 1500 back in the kitty?
I didn't get that either. Matter of fact, increases all years since

Obamacare was passed.
Exactly. The models predicted that young, healthy people would gladly pay far more for insurance than they currently pay (many didn't pay anything since they didn't have or need insurance). How insane is that?
Plus I'm not seeing a drop in the costs for my son's expenses. **

Re: You were only assured of $2500

As of today, I pledge to return all in excess of $2500. It is the only conservative thing to do for the country and my fellow man.
You just can't get away with that in the government

People go to jail for misplacing a couple hundred thousand dollars. How does $3,000,000,000 get diverted without some kind of congressional authority. Is the FED now someone's private check book?
They knew that when they setup up. They were counting on that

the fix is "Single Payer" we are ALL in...Fck'd.
The Insurance companies and Big Pharma were ALL IN on it.

Just as Comcast and Time Warner etc...were ALL in on this new internet deal. Nothing like becoming a rock solid monopoly....
Re: I didn't get that either. Matter of fact, increases all years since

Originally posted by TarHeelEer:
Obamacare was passed.
To be fair, I'm gonna guess that it increased all years before it was passed too. I know mine did.

My premiums actually went down, but so did the coverage so the net cost is about the same.

The whole thing is a huge mess and completely and totally missed the mark. It did nothing to control costs, but instead just increased the demand for insurance. The basic premise wasn't all that bad, but the final product and execution was horrible.

I went to a small business seminar and listened to a 2 hour talk on ACA. It was maybe a year before the law was finished and hte talk was given by representatives of insurance companies. What was described didn't sound too bad, but it also wasn't anything like what the final product ended up being.
Re: I didn't get that either. Matter of fact, increases all years since

Repeating. Was anything they used to sell this product truthful? Drugs and Insurance were partners to the crime.