28 more new Letterman shows and that's it.


Gold Member
Mar 16, 2014
According to what I just read there are 28 more new shows with the finale on Wed May 20, although I don't know why the finale would be on a Wednesday. There are some big name guests lined up and Bill Murray is one of them and maybe he'll end up being Letterman's last guest ever, which would be fitting since he was Letterman's first late night guest ever back in 1982 or so.

I used to love watching Letterman but when I watch now it's downright painful. I don't know if he's changed or I've changed or we've both changed but we're definitely not on the same page anymore. Some of the pre-planned comedy bits are so lame that it amazes me that Letterman or whoever thinks they're worthy of being on TV.

So since I don't like it I don't watch, but OTOH I know this is history in the making so I'm going to make myself watch more down the final stretch.
I don't watch any of them

Used to watch Letterman and Johnny Carson before that. Now I can't stay up that late and I don't have enough free time to DVR it. I have a hard enough time catching up on what I'm recording now.
I just checked out the late night TV ratings....

Letterman not only is getting more than doubled by Jimmy Fallon, he's also losing to Jimmy Kimmel. I bet the CBS brass are happy Letterman is retiring so that they don't have to take the negative PR hit of firing him or the continued beating in the ratings.

One thing I don't like about the Letterman show these days is the audience applauds (no doubt prompted by the Applause sign) pretty much every joke. Why applaud a joke? If you like it you laugh at it.

If you watch the show now notice how often the audience applauds. It's distracting and it seems so fake. In his early days Letterman was all about being original and being the opposite of The Cheesy Talk Show and then in the end that's exactly what he became.