238 spineless Republican cowards identify themselves in open letter.

Hahahahaha, NeoCons and IC community gettin skeered.

Correct Trump is up against Foreign Intelligence and Idiots in our own agencies loyal to Neo-Cons and Neo-Liberals like Chuck Schumer.

That means another bullshit Russia Gate Conspiracy Theroy will be on the way. However anyone who thinks Putin wants Trump back in office probably thinks Morning Joe and Rachel Madow are legitimate news sources.

People in this Administration are working with China and offer no push back. Same can be said about Iran.

Putin is working with both China and Iran. I would encourage people to actually do some research on his past dating back to the fall of the Soviet Union.

Search terms. Yeltsin and CIA. Read different articles about it.

US agents helped Yeltsin break coup​

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They fired their best reporter. It's basically MSNBC now. Might as well turn it over or what that racist Joy Reid now. At least you know she hates you.