
Another Trump legal ally, Mike Davis, a former aide to Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and to Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, has promoted the concept that a second Trump administration should rely on an acting attorney general, not a Senate-confirmed attorney general, to act on Trump’s wishes more efficiently.

Trump, during his first term, said, “As you know I like ‘acting.’ It gives you great flexibility.”

Davis has also said he would “rain hell on Washington, D.C.,” if he became attorney general and would “bring indictments” against President Joe Biden and members of his family, former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and George Soros, a billionaire and major Democratic donor.

Davis told NBC News that he does not expect he would fill the role of acting attorney general but that another Trump ally could. He suggested that a second-term Trump DOJ could convene grand juries and seek indictments within weeks of taking office, noting that private citizens could be preparing possible referrals that the DOJ could use against people whom Trump supporters accused of waging "lawfare" against the former president.

“These lawfare Democrats should lawyer up and be prepared for accountability on Jan. 20 at 12:01 p.m.,” Davis said.

Davis said that the department could seek an indictment of anyone for whom “there is probable cause that they participated in a criminal conspiracy,” making the case that the department under Attorney General Merrick Garland’s tenure took a “very aggressive, broad view with their lawfare” against Trump, his allies and supporters, like those charged in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

“These partisan Democrat plaintiffs, prosecutors, outside lawyers, court witnesses, judges and other lawfare activists in Albany, Atlanta, D.C., New York City, Palm Beach, and Phoenix should all lawyer up,” Davis said. “At a minimum, they are fact witnesses — if not co-conspirators — in this blatant criminal conspiracy.

”Davis said the indictment could be brought in federal court in Fort Pierce, Florida, where Trump could potentially find a more favorable jury pool, and because that is near where the FBI executed a search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.