14 month old baby found alive after hanging upside down

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
for hours in a wrecked car.....she's doing's the thing....4 different cops/emergency responders said they heard distinct female voice saying..."help us".....but the baby's mom was dead. Freaky to say the least. There are those who would say it was an angel/God....there are those who might say it was just the wind playing tricks...but it's apparent that those rescuers heard something that led them to the baby.....thoughts?
Can't we just be happy the 14 month old was rescued....

Do we have to turn it in to a god/angels thing?
Why? Does it make your ears and eyes bleed?

Why are atheist always saying "don't push your religion on me" but have no problem with pushing their anti-religion on others? He simply stated an opinion. He didn't even say it was God or Angels.
I'm an atheist?

Originally posted by Motown Mounty:
Why are atheist always saying "don't push your religion on me" but have no problem with pushing their anti-religion on others? He simply stated an opinion. He didn't even say it was God or Angels.
He asked for thoughts. I gave mine. At least attempt to follow along.
Re: I'm an atheist?

If you're not you must just try to sound like one for your own amusement.
What an amazing story. The atheists will rise up in anger but the odds of 4 guys hearing the same voice are off the charts unlikely, unless those words were truly spoken.
If there were angels and a God, why did he kill the baby's mom?

Pretty cruel thing to do to a little baby. (ok, I know, I know....all part of God's plan which we can't hope to understand).
Re: If there were angels and a God, why did he kill the baby's mom?

Atheists sure are an angry group of people. Not sure why this story causes you angst.
Re: No angst here. I just made a comment and asked a question.

Again, why are atheists so angry. Since you don't believe in God, why even comment? You're not going to change anyone's mind with snarky comments. Almost every atheist I've met is angry and I've never understood why.
Re: No angst here. I just made a comment and asked a question.

Originally posted by WVPATX:
Since you don't believe in God, why even comment? .
Next time someone asks for thoughts, can we get a list of accused atheists so we know if we can answer or not. Thanks in advance and have a pleasant day.
And you talk about straw men...
